What we heard at the third Public Information Centre
Thanks to everyone who filled out a survey or came out to the third public information centre on December 12, 2023. The majority of participants chose the preferred design concept as their favourite.
This design concept included:
- Restored sections of Schneider and Shoemaker creeks
- Extending the Iron Horse Trail from Ottawa Street to Sydney Street
- A new trail along Shoemaker Creek between Courtland Avenue and the Iron Horse Trail
- Adding amenities like seating or lookouts to up to three places along the trails
This project is now complete. The public comment period for the environmental assessment ended May 27, 2024. Copies of the Environmental Study Report and the Appendices are available on this page.
To learn more about the next phase, visit engagewr.ca/SchneiderShoemakerCreeks
If you have any questions, please contact the project team at
SchneiderCreekEA@kitchener.ca or call Sanitary and Stormwater Utilities at 519-741-2345 (TTY: 1-866-969-9994).