Tell us what you think
The second Public Information Centre for the Schneider and Shoemaker Creeks Environmental Assessment is on June 28, 2023. Check out the presentation materials and tell us what you think!
Read the June 28 Information Centre materials
The presentation materials include:
- Project details such as opportunities and constraints
- Four alternative solutions
- Evaluation criteria that will be used to assess the alternatives
- A preliminary preferred solution
We want your feedback on the alternative solutions and the evaluation criteria. Please share your comments and ideas by clicking on these ideas boards:
- Tell us what you think about the alternative solutions
- Tell us what you think about the evaluation criteria
This project is now complete. The public comment period ended May 27, 2024. Copies of the Environmental Study Report and the Appendices are available on this page. If you have any questions, please contact the project team at or call Sanitary and Stormwater Utilities at 519-741-2345 (TTY: 1-866-969-9994).