Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries
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The Region has completed a study to identify potential upgrades to improve the water supply servicing in Cambridge and North Dumfries. Now is a great opportunity to upgrade the water system to make sure that all parts of the system are working together to meet the current and future needs of the community. At the same time, we are able to upgrade aging infrastructure.
Based on the study findings the preferred water system improvements are:
1. Construct a new water tower on Cedar Creek Road
2. Address long-term water supply needs by increasing supply from the existing Blair Road Wells
3. Replace the St. Andrews pumping station’s existing pumps and install a standby power generator
4. Replace the existing St. Andrews Tank with a new smaller standpipe
5. Decommission the existing Inverness Water Tower
6. Various new and upgraded watermains to support improved system performance and operation (details on the location and timing are in the project file report which is in the Document Library on the right side of this page).
The Region has completed a study to identify potential upgrades to improve the water supply servicing in Cambridge and North Dumfries. Now is a great opportunity to upgrade the water system to make sure that all parts of the system are working together to meet the current and future needs of the community. At the same time, we are able to upgrade aging infrastructure.
Based on the study findings the preferred water system improvements are:
1. Construct a new water tower on Cedar Creek Road
2. Address long-term water supply needs by increasing supply from the existing Blair Road Wells
3. Replace the St. Andrews pumping station’s existing pumps and install a standby power generator
4. Replace the existing St. Andrews Tank with a new smaller standpipe
5. Decommission the existing Inverness Water Tower
6. Various new and upgraded watermains to support improved system performance and operation (details on the location and timing are in the project file report which is in the Document Library on the right side of this page).
We would like your input on the preliminary recommendations for the water system upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries. Over the past two years, we have been planning necessary upgrades to improve the water system and ensure it is optimized to perform well for all of the community's current and future needs. These upgrades include building a new water tower, upgrades at the Blair Road wells, upgrades at the St Andrews Pump Station, and installing new watermains. Through technical investigations, financial analysis, and gathering your input in-person and online, we are presenting the recommendations and seeking your input again at this stage of the project.
Responses to the survey will be collected together and reported as a whole, which may include averages, percentages and themes. Your response will remain confidential and any identifying information removed. A small number of staff will have access to the data and the data will be used in a public report. The report may be used on the Region's social media channels, Engage Region of Waterloo and will be reported back to Council.
The survey will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes. The survey will remain open until January 8, 2021.
Consultation has concluded
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Please answer the questions in this survey to tell us what is important to you when considering potential upgrades within the Cambridge and North Dumfries water supply system. The survey will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
Feedback can be provided online now or also in person at our public consultation centre on April 1, 2019 from 5 - 7 p.m. at Cambridge City Hall.
Also, please see the Document Library to find the display boards from the public consultation centre and a project information sheet. In the display boards, you will see larger map images that may be easier to read.
Consultation has concluded
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Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
Public consultation centre 1
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
An in-person public consultation was held in November 2017.
Short list of possible water tower sites
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
Additional work done to review long list of possible water tower sites and reduce to a short list of three possible areas.
Water supply options
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
Options were developed for meeting future water supply needs and sustainably managing the Blair Road wells.
Public consultation centre 2
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
A second in-person public consultation is being held in April 2019.
Evaluating options
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
Continuing detailed investigations on options and review of public input and survey results.
Public consultation centre 3
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
A third online public consultation was held in December 2020.
Final report
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries has finished this stage
A Project File report summarizes the study. The report includes a summary of the background information, development and evaluation of options, public and stakeholder consultation and recommendations. The Project File report was available for a 30-day public review from June 15, 2021 to July 15, 2021.
Project is Complete
Regional Water System Upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries is currently at this stage