Preliminary recommendations for water system upgrades survey
We would like your input on the preliminary recommendations for the water system upgrades in Cambridge and North Dumfries. Over the past two years, we have been planning necessary upgrades to improve the water system and ensure it is optimized to perform well for all of the community's current and future needs. These upgrades include building a new water tower, upgrades at the Blair Road wells, upgrades at the St Andrews Pump Station, and installing new watermains. Through technical investigations, financial analysis, and gathering your input in-person and online, we are presenting the recommendations and seeking your input again at this stage of the project.
Responses to the survey will be collected together and reported as a whole, which may include averages, percentages and themes. Your response will remain confidential and any identifying information removed. A small number of staff will have access to the data and the data will be used in a public report. The report may be used on the Region's social media channels, Engage Region of Waterloo and will be reported back to Council.
The survey will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes. The survey will remain open until January 8, 2021.