Mackay Crescent reconstruction

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Consultation has concluded

Mackay Crescent street sign

Welcome to the project page for the planned reconstruction of Mackay Crescent between Weber Street North and Alvin Street (northernmost intersection). Construction activity is tentatively scheduled for 2021. The city intends to completely reconstruct this section of Mackay to replace the aged watermain, sewers, and road structure. The project will also replace the storm sewer and asphalt trail from Mackay Crescent to Moses Springer Park.

Project updates will be posted in the newsfeed below and the current progress of the project is noted in the project timeline on the right side of the page. The page will also be open to public comments for limited time periods following the release of design information, so please check back often or sign up to follow the project to receive email updates.

Welcome to the project page for the planned reconstruction of Mackay Crescent between Weber Street North and Alvin Street (northernmost intersection). Construction activity is tentatively scheduled for 2021. The city intends to completely reconstruct this section of Mackay to replace the aged watermain, sewers, and road structure. The project will also replace the storm sewer and asphalt trail from Mackay Crescent to Moses Springer Park.

Project updates will be posted in the newsfeed below and the current progress of the project is noted in the project timeline on the right side of the page. The page will also be open to public comments for limited time periods following the release of design information, so please check back often or sign up to follow the project to receive email updates.

Consultation has concluded
  • Trail closure update

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The part of the Water Loop Trail that runs from Mackay Crescent to Moses Springer Park will be closed on or about Monday, July 26 for construction. Signs will be posted for the detour route along Marshall and Brighton Streets. We expect the trail to be closed for the duration of construction on Mackay, until about Oct. 29. We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Map showing Mackay Crescent, and the Water Loop/Laurel Trail detour, marked along Marshall and Brighton Streets.

  • Virtual Public Information Centre 2

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The City of Waterloo is pleased to announce that it has procured Navacon Construction Inc. to complete the reconstruction of Mackay Crescent. Construction will be lead by Navacon’s project coordinator Caleb Myers. Samy Mohamed from the City’s engineering consultant, IBI Goup, will also be on-site fulltime providing inspection services and liaising with residents.

    Typically, the project team would hold an in-person pre-construction meeting to share the latest information with residents and answer your questions about the reconstruction. Unfortunately, that is not possible in the current circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents are encouraged to review the updated design drawings (pdf) and the updated information package (pdf), and if you have any questions regarding construction, please submit them to us using the Questions feature, and the project team will respond as soon as possible.

    Please note that reconstruction projects of this nature often have a number of uncertainties. Certain material in this package such as dates, schedules and phasing can change as the project progresses based on weather, the availability of subcontractors, previously unknown conditions beneath the surface, etc.

    City and Consultant Contacts

    For this project, the City has retained the services of an engineering consultant to prepare the design and provide support during construction. During construction, the consultant will have a full-time inspector on-site to monitor construction activities and liaise with residents. The City will also have a part-time inspector on-site.

    Samy Mohamed
    Construction Inspector, IBI Group
    Phone: (519) 598-1229

    Caleb Myers
    Project Coordinator, Navacon Construction Inc
    Phone: (519) 758-4231

    Rob Nolan, C.E.T.
    Construction Inspector, City of Waterloo
    Phone: (226) 747-6384

    City of Waterloo After-Hours #
    Phone: (519) 579-9557

  • Virtual Public Information Centre 1

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The City of Waterloo is pleased to present the first of two virtual Public Information Centre’s (PIC’s) for the Mackay Crescent project. This update provides the most up to date design drawings (PDF) for the reconstruction of Mackay Crescent as well as an information package (PDF) on what to expect during construction.

    Typically PIC’s are held in person as different residents will generally have different concerns and questions about the process. The information package addresses the most common questions and concerns, however it could not possibly address every question you might have. If you have any questions following review of the drawings or information package please submit them by January 11, 2021 via the Questions tab and the City and IBI Group will provide responses shortly thereafter.

    Thank you,

    the Project Team

  • Preferred option selected for Mackay Cresent

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the selection process. The Project Team would like to share that Option 2 has been selected for the installation of the sidewalk on Mackay Crescent:

    Option 2: (view as pdf)

    • New 1.5 metre wide sidewalk in front of hydro transformers, with exception of area adjacent to commercial property at intersection of Weber and Mackay. where the sidewalk will be behind the existing hydro infrastructure.
    • Asphalt width of road narrowed to 6.5 metres from 8.4 metres.
    • On-street parking will be permitted on the north side of the street only.
    • 1.0 metre boulevard between sidewalk and curb on the south side meets minimum suggested width for physical separation and snow storage.

    The evaluation process considered numerous criteria, including cost, impact on trees, and public feedback received.

    With regard to survey results, they were as follows:

    • 19 people responded to the survey
    • 11 of those respondents indicated that they live on MacKay
    • Overall, the total option scores (where lowest score indicates preference) were Option 2 (35), Option 3 (45) Option 1 (46) and Option 4 (64).
    • Of those who live on MacKay, the scores were Option 2 (21), Option 1 (23) Option 3 (30) and Option 4 (36).
  • Design options for potential new sidewalk

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    In accordance with section 2 of the City of Waterloo’s council-endorsed sidewalk policy, the city has identified the south side of Mackay Crescent from Weber Street North to the Moses Springer Park Trail as an appropriate location for the installation of a new pedestrian sidewalk. The sidewalk is intended to improve the pedestrian connection for the Laurel Trail between Moses Springer Park and Laurel Creek north of the Bridgeport Plaza. The installation of the sidewalk is supported by the city’s Strategic Plan as well as previous decisions/directions given to city staff by council.

    The city and the engineering consultant have surveyed and assessed local conditions and prepared four possible design options for the new sidewalk between Weber Street and the Moses Springer Park Trail. Please note that full tree removal is not anticipated for any of the options noted below, however some may impact roots. Once your review of the options is completed, please let us know what you think by completing our survey. The streetscape for the rest of Mackay Crescent, from the Moses Springer Park Trail to Alvin Street, will remain largely unchanged.

    Option 1: (view as pdf)

    • New 1.5 metre wide sidewalk in front of hydro transformers, with exception of area adjacent to commercial property at intersection of Weber and Mackay, where the sidewalk will be behind the existing hydro infrastructure.
    • Asphalt width of road narrowed to 7.0 metres from 8.4 metres.
    • On-street parking will be permitted on both sides of the street.
    • 1.0 metre boulevard between sidewalk and curb on the south side meets minimum suggested width for physical separation and snow storage.
    • Curb on north side of road will be moved approximately 0.5 metres to the north, shortening driveway aprons for 112 Mackay, 120 Mackay and 122 Mackay. This will result in steeper driveway aprons for those three home, but still within city standards.

    Option 2: (view as pdf)

    • New 1.5 metre wide sidewalk in front of hydro transformers, with exception of area adjacent to commercial property at intersection of Weber and Mackay. where the sidewalk will be behind the existing hydro infrastructure.
    • Asphalt width of road narrowed to 6.5 metres from 8.4 metres.
    • On-street parking will be permitted on the north side of the street only.
    • 1.0 metre boulevard between sidewalk and curb on the south side meets minimum suggested width for physical separation and snow storage.

    Option 3: (view as pdf)

    • New 1.5 metre wide sidewalk in front of hydro transformers, with exception of area adjacent to commercial property at intersection of Weber and Mackay, where the sidewalk will be behind the existing hydro infrastructure.
    • Asphalt width of road narrowed to 6.0 metres from 8.4 metres.
    • No on-street parking will be permitted.
    • 1.2 metre boulevard between sidewalk and curb on the south side for physical separation and snow storage.

    Option 4: (view as pdf)

    • New 1.5 metre sidewalk behind hydro transformers, in much the same location as the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street.
    • Asphalt width of road maintained at 8.4 metres.
    • On-street parking will be permitted on both sides.
    • 2.4 metre boulevard between sidewalk and curb for physical separation and snow storage.
    • This option would result in reduced driveway lengths on the south side of the road.
    • This option may impact trees roots and may require the relocation of underground Bell and Rogers infrastructure.

    Please remember to indicate your preferred option by filling out the feedback survey.

    The portion of Mackay Crescent between the Moses Springer Park trail and Alvin Street (north intersection) will remain more or less the same as it is now (view as pdf).

    Effect on parking

    Some residents have indicated their concern over loss of parking within their driveways. The table below outlines the effect that each option has on driveway parking and on-street parking:

    Parking Spaces1,2



    Option 1

    Option 2

    Option 3

    Option 4

    Private Driveways

    109 Mackay Cres






    111 Mackay Cres






    113 Mackay Cres






    115 Mackay Cres






    117 Mackay Cres






    119 Mackay Cres






    121 Mackay Cres






    123 Mackay Cres






    125 Mackay Cres






    127 Mackay Cres






    129 Mackay Cres






    On-street Parking3

    North side






    South Side






    1. Parking spaces are 2.8 metres wide by 5.5 metres long, per City of Waterloo Zoning By-law.
    2. Includes parking spaces in garage, if applicable
    3. Street parking spaces are 6.5 metres long, per City of Waterloo Zoning By-law.