GRT Business Plan

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Grand River Transit's business plan will provide a roadmap to guide transit service investments from 2025 to 2030 and beyond. The GRT Business Plan builds on transit priorities identified through the Region’s Strategic Plan and Budget consultations. It will focus on how to make transit easier to use, where and when GRT can serve you better, and how and where GRT should prioritize frequency and speed.

There are three different pieces to the GRT Business Plan that we will ask for your input on throughout 2024:

Conventional Bus and Train Business Plan

MobilityPLUS and Kiwanis Transit Business Plan

Township Transit Strategy

  • Develop and evaluate ideas to expand transit services in the townships over the next five years, providing residents with better access to essential services and employment opportunities.

Business plan launch event

Join us on June 27 at 7 p.m. for a virtual townhall to launch of the GRT business plan. We'll introduce all three plans, and you'll have an opportunity to share your ideas and vision for the future of our transit services.

Join the virtual launch on June 27 at 7 p.m. - Zoom

Share your feedback


Subscribe to this project for updates about all three plans as we will add upcoming workshops, engagement opportunities and surveys.

Grand River Transit's business plan will provide a roadmap to guide transit service investments from 2025 to 2030 and beyond. The GRT Business Plan builds on transit priorities identified through the Region’s Strategic Plan and Budget consultations. It will focus on how to make transit easier to use, where and when GRT can serve you better, and how and where GRT should prioritize frequency and speed.

There are three different pieces to the GRT Business Plan that we will ask for your input on throughout 2024:

Conventional Bus and Train Business Plan

MobilityPLUS and Kiwanis Transit Business Plan

Township Transit Strategy

  • Develop and evaluate ideas to expand transit services in the townships over the next five years, providing residents with better access to essential services and employment opportunities.

Business plan launch event

Join us on June 27 at 7 p.m. for a virtual townhall to launch of the GRT business plan. We'll introduce all three plans, and you'll have an opportunity to share your ideas and vision for the future of our transit services.

Join the virtual launch on June 27 at 7 p.m. - Zoom

Share your feedback


Subscribe to this project for updates about all three plans as we will add upcoming workshops, engagement opportunities and surveys.

  • We need your help to shape Grand River Transit’s (GRT) 2025-2030 Business Plan! 

    Grand River Transit is mapping out what the next five years of transit service investments should look like for the Region of Waterloo following unprecedented ridership in the fastest growing community in Canada.

    We need your feedback! Share how we can make transit easier to use, where and when GRT can serve you better, and how and where GRT should prioritize frequency and speed

     By completing this survey form, you will help guide GRT’s investments to make transit the easy choice for more trips for more people in Waterloo Region. 

    Take Survey
    Share Conventional Bus and Train Business Plan Survey on Facebook Share Conventional Bus and Train Business Plan Survey on Twitter Share Conventional Bus and Train Business Plan Survey on Linkedin Email Conventional Bus and Train Business Plan Survey link
Page last updated: 26 Jun 2024, 09:25 PM