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GRT's electric bus travelling through Woolwich Township.

Conventional Bus and Train Business Plan Survey

We need your help to shape Grand River Transit’s (GRT) 2025-2030 Business Plan! 

Grand River Transit is mapping out what the next five years of transit service investments should look like for the Region of Waterloo following unprecedented ridership in the fastest growing community in Canada.

We need your feedback! Share how we can make transit easier to use, where and when GRT can serve you better, and how and where GRT should prioritize frequency and speed

 By completing this survey form, you will help guide GRT’s investments to make transit the easy choice for more trips for more people in Waterloo Region. 

0% answered


Where do you live?

* required

How do you typically travel around Waterloo Region?

Please select the mode(s) of transportation that you use regularly (i.e., almost daily) for most of your trips.

* required
Wait times for GRT are reasonable
GRT gets me to the places that I want to go
GRT gets me to places in a reasonable time
GRT runs during the times that I need it
GRT is usually on time and reliable
It is convenient to walk or bike to a GRT stop
I can usually find a convenient spot to sit or stand on board GRT
GRT is good value for money

Please select the top three improvements to GRT services that you would like to see:

* required
Weekday "rush hours"
Weekday midday
Weekday early mornings and late nights
Weekday overnight
Weekend early mornings and late nights
Weekend overnight