Final designs and project update
We would like to thank all those who shared their thoughts with us during the engagement on the Vanier, Wilson, Traynor Parks project. Here is a short overview of what we heard from you:
Vanier Park
In Vanier Park, your feedback showed us that most respondents want to maintain a full-size basketball court in the park with the ability to flood the court. We also heard that a small water play area with water sprays is desired. Also, you want to see more seating options throughout the park such as benches, picnic tables, small seating areas, and a larger gathering area with shade.
Wilson Park
In Wilson Park, most respondents shared that they go there to experience and enjoy nature by spending time near the creek to observe wildlife, in quiet reflection. Several people shared they go to Wilson Park to host or attend picnics.
Traynor Park
In Traynor Park, you told us you want to see more bench seating, tree planting, and places to sit on the lawn.
We have prepared a full engagement report with more detail. Read the report
Final concepts
Your input has been used to shape the park designs for Vanier, Wilson, and Traynor Parks. View the final concepts for:
The Wilson Park space has been constructed as part of the Montgomery Creek restoration project and will be open soon. We are also working towards construction on Vanier and Traynor Parks in 2023.
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If you have any questions, contact Rebecca Roy, Landscape Architect,, 519-741-2600 x 4151
This project is now complete. Thank you to all the community members who contributed. We hope you see your feedback reflected in the new park space.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Parks division at or 519-741-2345 (TTY:1-866-969-9994).