White Elm Park Playground

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White Elm Park sign post

A new playground is coming to White Elm park in the Columbia Forest neighbourhood in Waterloo!

After years of play, the original playground at this park reached the end of its life in 2022 and had to be removed. We know this has been missed by the neighbourhood, so we're pleased to share that a new playground will soon be making its home right here in White Elm park.

Be sure to subscribe to this project page to stay up to date about the White Elm park playground.

A new playground is coming to White Elm park in the Columbia Forest neighbourhood in Waterloo!

After years of play, the original playground at this park reached the end of its life in 2022 and had to be removed. We know this has been missed by the neighbourhood, so we're pleased to share that a new playground will soon be making its home right here in White Elm park.

Be sure to subscribe to this project page to stay up to date about the White Elm park playground.

  • Winning playground design

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    The results are in! Concept 2 has been selected as the winning playground design for White Elm park. The playground features a double slide and spiral slide, a small hammock for relaxing, two climbers, a ground-level spinner and a roofed recreational space with sensory panels.

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. In total, we received 35 responses to the survey, with a majority (62.5%) selecting Concept 2 as the preferred playground design.

    Next steps

    Now that a design has been selected, we will place our order for the equipment and proceed to the construction phase of this project.
  • Design concepts for the new White Elm playground

    Share Design concepts for the new White Elm playground on Facebook Share Design concepts for the new White Elm playground on Twitter Share Design concepts for the new White Elm playground on Linkedin Email Design concepts for the new White Elm playground link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The playground concepts are now available! Vote on your favourite playground for White Elm park.

    Take the survey to vote on your favourite playground design.

    Concept 1 - View photos of Concept 1
    The play structure includes:

    • A double slide and curved slide
    • A transfer station to support accessibility
    • A telescope for imaginative play and exploration
    • A rain stick for gentle rain sounds and sensory fun
    • A monkey bar for climbing and physical activity
    • Two climbers at different heights for climbing challenges
    • A built-in lemonade stand to encourage role-playing and interaction
    • Additional fun features include a spinner, a four-person teeter-totter and a creative space with three sensory panels

    Concept 2 - View photos of Concept 2
    The play structure includes:

    • A double slide and spiral slide
    • A transfer station to support accessibility
    • A steering wheel to encourage imaginative play
    • A small hammock for relaxing
    • A cable net for climbing and balancing
    • A challenge bridge to test balance and coordination
    • Two climbers at different heights for climbing adventures
    • A butterfly game counter for interactive connections
    • Additional fun features include a ground-level spinner and a roofed recreational space with sensory panels

    Take the survey to vote on your favourite playground design. Survey closes July 19.

  • What we heard about the White Elm playground

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    Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feedback with us about the White Elm park playground. In total, we received 58 survey responses. Additionally, we heard from attendees during our in-person information session on April 4.

    Here's what we learned:

    • Visitors head to White Elm park at least once a week, and it is enjoyed by people of all ages.
    • The most wanted features are slides, climbing amenities and opportunities for interactive play.
    • There is also interest in having seesaws/teeter totters, multi-person spinners, inclusionary and accessible amenities, as well as opportunities to include creative and imaginative play.
    • Swings were also highly requested, however, this location unfortunately cannot accommodate both a playground structure and swings. Community members are encouraged to visit the nearby Star Flower Park to enjoy the swings.

    Next steps

    • We will now look for a playground supplier for this project and have them develop two concepts for final selection.
    • Once the concepts are available, community members will be invited to vote on their preferred concept.

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to be notified about future events. Add your email to the Stay Informed section of this page and click “Subscribe”.

  • Survey closed

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    Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feedback with us, whether through the survey or in-person at Chartwell. In total, we had over 50 respondents to our survey. Our team is currently reviewing the feedback collected to identify key themes and considerations for the new playground.

Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 10:22 AM