ClimateActionWR progress update on Community Climate Action Plan
Here’s an update on our community’s progress developing Waterloo Region’s long-term Climate Action Strategy, to achieve an 80 per cent greenhouse gas reduction by 2050! As a result of COVID-19, we have adapted many elements of our work to digital means and postponed a number of events, however, many aspects of our work have continued to move forward.
Thank you so much to everyone who has provided input, through workshops, interviews, postcards, or EngageWR. After months of gathering ideas, thoughts and feedback from community members, technical experts and municipal stakeholders, thousands of data points have been summarized to share with you. What we heard will help to form the 80 by 50 Climate Action Strategy. The following videos provide an overview of the common themes that came through from the data.
Community Engagement Results: In this presentation, Glen Lombard and Patrick Boot from Unless Design Partners share the findings from the extensive community engagement initiatives.
Technical Engagement Results: In this presentation, Patrick Darby from WalterFedy shares the findings from the extensive technical engagement initiatives.
Check back here for more information on the upcoming call for community feedback on the draft community climate action plan, anticipated for later this year. And sign up for ClimateActionWR's newsletter to stay up to date on community progress towards our goals.
Consultation has concluded