Summer 2024 update on construction

Oaten Park

We are pleased to announced that Oaten Park is officially open to the public! The contractor just has to install the benches and make some minor repairs.

On Neighbours Day (June 15), the Neighbourhood Development Office partnered with the Centerville Chicopee Community Garden group. Together, they helped coordinate the beginning of a brand new community garden. Volunteers are now helping to finish the installation. They look forward to sharing this space with the neighbourhood.

Kinzie Park

The park is very close to opening. There are some final inspections to be done for the playground and an operations review to complete. Benches are also going to be installed in this park. We are working behind the scenes to re-open the park as soon as possible.

Idlewood Park

Construction on Idlewood Park is scheduled to begin later in July. We will share more updates and details soon.

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