Early FAQs
What is the City of Waterloo’s Transportation Master Plan? Why does it need to be updated?
Does the Transportation Master Plan include transportation outside of the City of Waterloo?
The Transportation Master Plan will focus primarily on improvements to the transportation system within the City boundary. There maybe considerations made to advance transportation options across the region as appropriate.
What improvements have been made since the last Transportation Master Plan?
Since the previous plan, they City has made improvements to the city transportation network including widening and reconstruction of Columbia Street West, extending Laurelwood Drive, and implementing various on-road bikeways, multi-use trails, shared streets, wayfinding and road crossing improvements. Simultaneously, the Region of Waterloo has widened Ira Needles Boulevard and University Avenue, completed streetscape improvements on King Street. The Region has also completed the ION - rapid transit link between Waterloo, Kitchener and Cambridge. The LRT service launched in the spring of 2019, with eight transit stations located within the City of Waterloo.
Will the plan look at cycling and pedestrian issues and solutions or will it focus only on cars and transit?
The TMP will focus on the most effective ways to move people and goods within the City, following a complete streets approach. This will include looking at all forms of travel including walking, rolling and cycling.
How can I get/stay involved in the Transportation Master Plan engagement process?
o Sign up for project updates on the “Sign Up” tab on https://www.engagewr.ca/transportation-master-plan-looking-ahead
How will my input be used?
In the early stages your ideas and inputs have be used to shape the overall understanding of the current issues and opportunities facing transportation in the City as well as help to form a vision for the Transportation Master Plan that reflects the Waterloo community. In the current stages, your input will be used to inform potential refinements to the proposed policy directions and identify challenges, opportunities and considerations for the proposed policy directions prior to being included in the final Transportation Master Plan.
What is the process for the Transportation Master Plan update?
- Outlines the policy context for the TMP Update and highlights the three overarching documents with the most significant influence;
- Summarizes the current state of travel behaviour in the City and relevant changes since the 2011 TMP was completed; and
- Presents current Levels of Service at key intersections and changes since the 2011 TMP was completed.
- Outlines the objectives and approach for gathering public and stakeholder input during Phase 1; and
- Summarizes what we heard from the community.
How can I stay informed of future updates?
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Chris Hodgson, Senior Project Engineer, Transportation Services, City of Waterloo and Gene Chartier, Vice President, Paradigm Transportation Solutions are listening and can address any questions you may have. Please send questions to waterlooTMP@ptsl.com or you can leave a comment on https://www.engagewr.ca/transportation-master-plan-looking-ahead.
Has City Council been involved in the Transportation Master Plan Study?
To date, City Council has participated in the Transportation Master Plan update formally on two occasions.
Council received a presentation from the project team on June 24, 2019 highlighting study goals and objectives, connections to other plans, phases of work, timing of deliverables and the engagement process.
In response to interest expressed during the presentation, the project team organized a workshop session for Council on September 9, 2019. The workshop explored different transportation issues, focussing on three themes – Complete Streets, Vision Zero and Active Transportation.
The project team will continue to update City Council as work progresses and present the revised plan to Council for approval at study completion.
Phase 1 is now complete. What did you learn?
The policy and technical analysis and engagement activities carried out during Phase 1 provide the basis for the updated TMP. Click here to read the Phase 1 Policy and Technical Summary, which:
Click here to read the Phase 1 Engagement Summary, which: