Thomasfield Homes Limited
Consultation has concluded
Applications for a proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Draft Plan of Subdivision have been submitted by GSP Group on behalf of Thomasfield Homes Ltd. for the property located at 22 Ebycrest Road, Breslau. The lands are located north of Highway 7 (Victoria Street North), east of the Grand River and west of Ebycrest Road. A public meeting regarding these applications will be held on January 30, 2024 at 6 pm.
The property currently contains a single detached dwelling and is of an irregular shape. The property is 10.7 hectares (26.5 acres) in area and includes environmental lands along the westerly side of the property.
The property is designated as Residential Neighbourhood (Schedule A) and Medium/High Density Residential and Natural Hazard (Schedule B) in the Township Official Plan and is zoned Agricultural (A) as per the Zoning By-law.
The applicant is proposing to redevelop the lands with a residential subdivision and is proposing the following:
Subdivision (Application 30T-23702)
The proposal anticipates a total of 28 single detached units, 27 street-related townhouses, 92 stacked townhouses, and 3 apartment buildings (6 storeys with 70 units, 10 storeys with 98 units and 10 storeys with 118 units) for a total of 434 residential units. The proposal also includes two parks (.41 ha / 1.01 acres), a stormwater management pond, several areas that would be protected as natural heritage spaces, one access off Ebycrest Road, three road stubs of which two could potentially be extended into future developments (one to the north, the other to the south), and the third road stub which could potentially extend to Ebycrest Road.
Official Plan (Application 1/2023) and Zoning (Application 12/2023)
The applicant proposes to amend the Official Plan with respect to population allocation (Sections and to introduce an alternative allocation arrangement.
The applicant is proposing to rezone the lands from Agricultural (A) to Residential – Multiple with Design Guidelines (R-7A) with Site Specific provisions. The site specific provisions would permit single detached dwellings, townhouses and apartment buildings, it would also provide required distances between buildings and lot frontages. The proposed zoning also includes a small area that would be subject to a Holding provision as these lands are identified as being required on a temporary basis for a temporary turning circle. The proposed zoning also includes Open Space (O-1) for environmental features and Open Space (O-2) for the proposed park.