Video of Cathy Bailey's talk now available

Thank you to everyone who joined us last week for Cathy Bailey's talk, The Path to Water and Services Equity.

Video now available

During her talk, Cathy shared her experiences leading the Greater Cincinnati Water Works and explored the role of government utilities in providing access to water and sanitation services through an equity lens. A video recording of the session is now available: Watch the video

Answer the event survey

We’re interested in your feedback about this session. Please answer our 2-minute survey so we can improve future events like this: Answer the survey

Share your ideas about water equity in Kitchener

Now that we’ve heard from Cathy Bailey on what improving water equity looks like in Cincinnati, we want to hear from you. Tell us:

What did you take away from Cathy’s talk that you’d like to see in our community? What might water equity look like in Kitchener?

As we heard from Cathy, water inequities come in many forms. What stories or examples are you hearing about water vulnerabilities in Kitchener?

Share your thoughts and ideas

Lastly, watch this space for an upcoming blog post from Bu Lam, Kitchener's Director of Sanitary and Stormwater Utilities, for his reflections on Cathy's talk.

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Thank you to everyone who joined us for this five-part speaker series in 2022/2023. Together, we explored topics related to how we can make city infrastructure and services more equitable and accessible for all residents. The speaker series has now concluded. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning division at

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