Fond fan memories

I have lots of stories and memories of The Aud. I started to attend hockey games at The Aud with my Dad and Uncle when I was very young playing minor hockey in PRESTON. Then when I was a teenager I used to hitch hike with my best friend Larry to the Junior or Senior games. As time went on I played Junior Jr. B Hockey with the Preston Legion Raiders against the Kitchener Jr. B Rangers at The Aud. After I was no longer of age to play Junior hockey I did a 10 year stint in the O.H.A. as a referee. I was fortunate enough to get some linesman assignments for Kitchener Ranger games. I have many fond memories of The Aud over the years and I still attend games and events to this day! What a magnificent and historical facility The Aud continues to be! I'm very proud to have been a part of it.

Karl Kiefer

Regional Councillor - Cambridge

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Thank you to everyone who shared their stories, photos or videos about The Aud this spring! The video commemorating The Aud’s 70th anniversary featuring your content is now available on this page and on YouTube. Come back and visit this page any time to see the video and read through everyone’s memories.

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