What is a Separated Cycling Facility?

    Separated cycling facilities are designated bicycles lanes that are next to the roadway but separated from vehicular traffic. Separated cycling facilities can be made “separate” by a number of different treatments including:
    - using bollards,
    - a roll curb, or 
    -planter boxes. 

    They help distinguish the area for cycling from motor vehicle traffic and create an environment which is safer for all road users. The two images below are examples of what separated cycling facilities can look like.

    Where exactly are the separated bike lanes going to be?

    The network, measuring approximately 5 km, includes linkages along University Avenue, Columbia Street, King Street, Albert Street and Erb Street with connecting links along the Laurel Trail through Waterloo Park. 

    What direction should a cyclist travel in the new separated bike lanes?

    Cyclists should always travel in the direction of the car traffic. There is one instance in the pilot project that accommodates two-way cycling traffic on Erb Street West.  In this case there are directional arrows on the pavement indicating the direction that cyclists should travel in that lane.

    Why have I seen different types on separators on these new bike lanes?

    In the separated bike lane pilot project, one of the things we're evaluating are the type of separators. 

    Here is a list of the types  of separators  and where you will see in the pilot: 

    1-Planters/  Albert St

    2-Bollards (surface mounted bollards)/Columbia St

    3-Rubber Curb and Bollards/King Street

    4-Concert Curbs and Bollards/ University Avenue and Erb Street  

    Why are you launching this pilot in the winter?

    The separated cycling network pilot project is new for regional staff as well as residents. Our staff are learning how to maintain the separated cycling facilities over the course of the next 18 month and appreciate your understanding and support during this time. We are committed to creating a safe and comfortable riding experience for all – the following are some things we are doing to maintain the facilities throughout the winter:

    1.  Plowing the separated bike lanes

    2.  Applying salt and sand to improve traction in winter conditions

    3.  Removing snow from the separated bike lanes (and road right-of-way)

    The maintenance contractor will be on standby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over the winter period and will maintain the separated cycling facilities to the same standard as the adjacent drive lane for motor vehicles.