Spaces and Parkland Dedication Bylaw Update

Spaces, the Parkland Dedication Bylaw and Parkland Dedication Policy were received by Committee and Council in June and through both Committee and Council meetings saw a number of delegations appear to share views on the proposed strategy and bylaw.

Given the importance of the changes being proposed and the need to ensure that Council has time to understand the impacts of the proposed changes, Council has deferred making a decision on Spaces, the Parkland Dedication Bylaw and the Policy until the August Council meeting, scheduled for August 22nd, 2022. Staff have been asked to address some questions in advance of Council to help inform the discussion at Council.

If you have not yet had a chance to share your feelings on the Spaces Strategy, proposed new Parkland Dedication Bylaw or the associated Policy, there is still time! Please consider coming to Council or connecting with your local member of council and sharing your feedback as a delegation. Details of meetings can be found at the Council and Citizen Committees calendar.

If you would like to delegate – tell Council what you would like to see in the plan during a meeting - please see 'Appear as a Delegation'.

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