This project is now complete and the creek is restored. For more information about stormwater initiatives, please visit link)

Our 2016 integrated stormwater master plan includes guidelines and policies that dictate how we are going to manage stormwater over the next 15 years. We developed this plan in close consultation with the community. The plan recommends redesigning Montgomery Creek to restore the natural flow of the creek and prevent and reduce erosion.

More recently, we engaged residents again to envision improvements to Wilson Park. Our final design includes a bridge (Vanier Drive), a pedestrian bridge, and naturalizing areas of Montgomery Creek. In response to your feedback, this project now also includes natural community spaces along the creek. We will reforest the banks of the creek and create walking trails, lookout areas and picnic areas. This will give pedestrians access to the creek and create a social gathering space at the water.

For more information about how you may be affected by this project, please review the FAQ section.

If you are interested in learning about the seating area ad other neighbourhood park improvements, please visit: Connecting the Wilson, Vanier and Traynor Park Network

