Final Survey is active!

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Transportation Services has assessed the existing traffic conditions along Manchester Road and developed and evaluated alternative solutions in order to address resident concerns. A draft version of the preferred traffic calming plan was presented to area residents through a virtual public information centre held on February 1, 2023. Based on feedback from residents, the draft preferred plan has been finalized.

The preferred alternative will include the following measures:

  1. A speed hump located between #144 and #150 Manchester Rd
  2. A speed hump located at the intersection of Wedgewood Drive
  3. A speed hump located between #262 and #268 Manchester Rd
  4. A speed hump located between #336 and #364 Manchester Rd
  5. A speed hump located between #424 and #430 Manchester Rd

Proposed Manchester Road Traffic Calming Plan

To indicate your support or opposition to the proposed traffic calming plan, please complete our final survey. We require that 50% of residents respond, with 60% in support of the preferred plan before work can proceed. Please note that each address will only have one vote. All directly affected residents of Manchester Road, as well as neighbouring roadways, are eligible to take part in this survey.

To request a paper copy of the survey, please contact Steven Ryder at 519-741-2200 ext 7152 or by email

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This project is now complete. Please note that no final survey will be administered. In summer 2024, it was determined by Council that we will no longer implement safety improvements through a formal traffic calming program. We have moved to a hot spot improvement model instead. For more information, please visit

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