City accepts application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
At a Special City of Cambridge Council meeting held on September 27, City staff formally introduced the Planning application to Council and the Public. Regional staff and IBI Group opened the meeting with a brief presentation about the project. This was followed by a presentation of City Planning staff who outlined the following details of the required Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law amendment:
An Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate the property from the current “Low/Medium Density Residential” designation to the “High Density Residential” designation.
• The High Density Residential designation permits a maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of 2.0. The proposed development would have a maximum FSI of 1.4, which would be in conformity.
- A Zoning By-law Amendment is proposed to rezone the subject lands from the current “Multiple-Residential – RM4” zone to a compound “N1RM3” zone to permit the proposed apartment building and Youth Community Centre, along with the following site-specific provisions:
- To permit a minimum front yard setback of 5.0 metres;
- To permit a maximum density of 135 units per hectare;
- To permit a reduced residential parking rate of 0.70 spaces per dwelling unit; and,
- To permit a reduced visitor parking rate of 0.15 spaces per dwelling unit.
City of Cambridge Council approved staff's recommendation to receive the application and refer it back to staff for a subsequent report and staff recommendation.
The information presented by City staff and the Region can be found at: eSCRIBE Agenda Package ( (Pages 54-92)
Next steps:
City staff and agencies will review the application
When the review is complete a report will be brought back to a Special meeting of Council and a decision will be made by Council.