Tree removal update

Removal of the trees shown on the design drawings from the virtual PIC is now complete. Kodiak Tree Services has informed the City that the log removal truck is running a couple days behind schedule. Residents are free to take the logs for their own uses, if they wish. The log removal truck will remove what’s left when it arrives in a couple days. Please note that the majority of the wood is from Ash trees that were observed or suspected to have been infected with emerald ash borer. If transporting the wood out of the City please ensure that the wood is not going to be transported to an area of the province that is not currently known to have emerald ash borer. More information can be found here:

Additionally, subsequent to the recent planning for the removal of the four trees identified on the design drawings, the City’s Forestry department has identified another tree as dead/dying at 207 Herbert Street and has scheduled the tree for removal. The exact date for removal has not yet been established.

Prior to the start of the reconstruction, City Forestry crews may also complete tree trimming on various City owned trees. The trimming will safely remove any branches that are likely to be damaged as a result of construction. The trimming we happen either prior to the start of natural gas upgrades at the end of March or following the completion of gas upgrades and hydro relocations towards the end of May.

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