Project update, new study area

The original Notice of Study Commencement for this project was issued May 2022. However, in 2023, the project was put on hold pending completion of Regional Official Plan Amendment 6 (ROPA 6).

In May 2024, through Bill 162, the Get it Done Act, 2024, the Province approved ROPA 6, which included additional lands for urban development in southwest Kitchener – known as the Southwest Kitchener Policy Area (SKPA).

The portion of SKPA lands that have been included are next to and connected with the original Dundee North Study Area and provide an opportunity for the Secondary Plan to comprehensively plan for growth and development in the area. The Study Area for this Secondary Plan has been expanded to include both the original Dundee North lands and new SKPA lands – and is now collectively referred to as the “Dundee Secondary Plan”.

We have updated the project name and information on the project page to align with these changes.

Next Steps

In 2022, the Project Team held the first round of public and stakeholder engagement and completed an existing conditions report for the Dundee North portion of the Study Area. To reflect the expanded Study Area, next steps for the project include updating the work done for Dundee North to reflect the new SKPA lands and developing different land use scenarios.

There will be future opportunities to give feedback. To get project updates, add your email to the Stay Informed box and click 'Subscribe'.

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