Dumfries Avenue Traffic Calming Review

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This project is now complete. Please note that no final survey will be administered. In summer 2024, it was determined by Council that we will no longer implement safety improvements through a formal traffic calming program. We have moved to a hot spot improvement model instead. For more information, please visit kitchener.ca/TrafficCalming

City Council approved Dumfries Avenue, between Edna Street and Stirling Avenue North, to be considered for traffic calming. Their decision was based on:

  • Our review of traffic issues on Dumfries Avenue
  • Traffic data
  • A comparison with other roadways
  • Resident concerns

Above is a map of the study area we will review. This includes addresses on Dumfries Avenue as well as other properties that may be affected.

About Traffic Calming

Traffic calming helps reduces the negative effects of traffic on neighborhood streets, communities, and public facilities like parks and schools. We use traffic calming techniques when we cannot address concerns like these any other way:

  • Speeding
  • Collisions
  • Through traffic issues
  • Pedestrian safety
  • General traffic issues

Learn more about types of traffic calming measures on roadways in Kitchener.

About this Review

Before considering which specific traffic calming measures, we do a review. This review includes extensive public engagement. We will share information through this webpage and a public meeting, called a Public Information Center (PIC). You will have the opportunity to share your feedback through online surveys and at the PIC. We will also assess different alternatives based on social, economic and environmental effects.

Read about current traffic conditions on Dumfries Avenue.

Looking for more information?

Please read the Traffic Calming Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) using the tab below. It describes the traffic calming process and different types of traffic calming measures. You can also send us your questions there.

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City Council approved Dumfries Avenue, between Edna Street and Stirling Avenue North, to be considered for traffic calming. Their decision was based on:

  • Our review of traffic issues on Dumfries Avenue
  • Traffic data
  • A comparison with other roadways
  • Resident concerns

Above is a map of the study area we will review. This includes addresses on Dumfries Avenue as well as other properties that may be affected.

About Traffic Calming

Traffic calming helps reduces the negative effects of traffic on neighborhood streets, communities, and public facilities like parks and schools. We use traffic calming techniques when we cannot address concerns like these any other way:

  • Speeding
  • Collisions
  • Through traffic issues
  • Pedestrian safety
  • General traffic issues

Learn more about types of traffic calming measures on roadways in Kitchener.

About this Review

Before considering which specific traffic calming measures, we do a review. This review includes extensive public engagement. We will share information through this webpage and a public meeting, called a Public Information Center (PIC). You will have the opportunity to share your feedback through online surveys and at the PIC. We will also assess different alternatives based on social, economic and environmental effects.

Read about current traffic conditions on Dumfries Avenue.

Looking for more information?

Please read the Traffic Calming Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) using the tab below. It describes the traffic calming process and different types of traffic calming measures. You can also send us your questions there.

Stay Informed

Subscribe for updates and be the first to know about news and information about this project. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe’.

This project is now complete. Please note that no final survey will be administered. In summer 2024, it was determined by Council that we will no longer implement safety improvements through a formal traffic calming program. We have moved to a hot spot improvement model instead. For more information, please visit kitchener.ca/TrafficCalming

1. What is traffic calming?

Traffic calming refers to measures that reduce traffic speeds and/or cut through traffic. Traffic calming measures are designed to reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, help alter driver behavior and improve conditions for all street users notably vulnerable street users like pedestrians and cyclists.

2. What are the different approaches to traffic calming?

Traffic calming approaches are divided into three categories of passive, moderate and restrictive approaches. 

Passive traffic calming measures generally do not affect the physical geometry of a roadway but can help increase awareness. Some examples include signage, textured pavement and roadway painting. Passive traffic calming approaches are low in cost but studies show that they typically are less effective than moderate or restrictive approaches.

Passive traffic calming measures include signage, textured pavement and roadway painting.

Moderate traffic calming measures include horizontal and vertical measures which cause a vertical or horizontal deflection of the vehicle. Studies show that moderate traffic calming measures reduce through traffic volume and speed. Some horizontal traffic calming measure examples include chicanes, median islands, curb extensions, traffic circles and pedestrian refuge islands. Examples of vertical traffic calming measures include raised crosswalks, speed cushions and speed humps. 

Speed bumps as found in locations such as parking lots are not installed on city streets. The city uses speed humps which are less abrupt and are designed to calm traffic to speeds between 30-40 km/h.  

Moderate traffic calming measures include raised crosswalk, traffic circle, speed hump, speed cushion, chicanes and curb extension.

Restrictive traffic calming is effective in eliminating through traffic volume by limiting/making changes to roadway access. Some examples include partial road closure, full road closure, diverters and one-way roadways. Restrictive traffic calming approaches have medium to high installation costs and are not typically considered on major collector roadways or roadways that are identified as emergency response routes or transit routes.

Restrictive traffic calming measures include partial road closure, full road closure, diverters and one-way roadway.

3. Why is Dumfries Avenue being considered for traffic calming?

  • Ranked 1st on The City's warranted traffic calming priority list with 52 points; 
  • Designated as a Minor Collector roadway with a posted speed limit of 40 km/h; 
  • Recorded 85th percentile speed (at which drivers travel at or below): 56 km/h;
  • Recorded AADT (average annual daily traffic): Approximately 2938 vehicles;
  • Identified concerns include speeding and traffic volumes, which can be addressed through the traffic calming review.

4. What is the required level of residents’ support for a traffic calming plan to be initiated and implemented?

Initiation Support 

Impacted residents must demonstrate 25% support to initiate the traffic calming study. At this stage, we survey residents to vote on whether or not they would like to see the review initiated. Your feedback is an important first step. Please take our five-minute survey to let us know what you think.

Implementation Support

There will be a second survey near the end of the traffic calming review to determine if there is support to implement the preferred plan developed by staff and residents. This final survey requires that 50% of residents respond, with 60% in support of the preferred plan before work can proceed.

5. What factors will be considered for selecting traffic calming measures?

Resident feedback, current traffic conditions such as speed, volume and collision history, potential impacts on other adjacent roadways, possible inconvenience to residents, potential impacts on emergency services and public transit, potential impacts on maintenance operations (snow removal), construction cost and maintenance cost are some of the factors considered when selecting the traffic calming measures.

6. Can an all-way stop control be used as a traffic calming measure?

It depends on traffic volumes for each of the intersecting streets. All-way stop controls are meant to safely alternate the right-of-way to opposing traffic flows. Based on the Ontario Traffic Manual, in order for an all-way stop control to be warranted, a significant amount of traffic must exist on both streets. If there is little traffic on the side street, drivers who regularly use the major streets will start anticipating that they will not have to yield to anyone and may disobey the stop signs. Unwarranted all-way stop controls are more often disobeyed by drivers and as a result pedestrian safety can be compromised.

7. Can more police enforcement be used as a traffic calming measure?

Many residents across the Region request police enforcement as a mean of traffic calming. City of Kitchener (and other Waterloo Region municipalities) work with Waterloo Regional Police Services (WRPS) in order to help identify areas with persistent traffic concerns. We flag priority streets to the WRPS for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) on a quarterly basis. WRPS will attempt to provide these areas with added enforcement over each quarter of the year.

8. What are the steps involved in the review?

We will survey residents who are affected by the traffic calming review to vote whether or not they would like to see the review initiated. City staff will review and summarize the resident feedback and the current traffic conditions. Assuming residents voted to move ahead with the review, a design concept will be developed based on the results to date. The design concept will be presented to the residents at a Public Information Centre (PIC). The design will also be circulated to affected agencies such as operations, waste management, emergency services and transit. 

Based on the feedback received, a preferred plan will be presented to residents. Residents will then be surveyed to vote on the preferred traffic calming plan to determine if there is support to carry out the plan. The results of the traffic calming review including voting results will be presented to Council. If approved by Council, the design will be implemented. A follow up review will be completed at least one year after the plan to measure effectiveness and neighborhood satisfaction.

An image of the process map for City of Kitchener Traffic Calming Review


9. How can I contribute to this project?

To contribute to this project, please take our surveys and attend the public information meetings. You can also email your questions and comment to Connor Payne at 519-741-2200 ext. 7374 or onnor.payne@kitchener.ca. You can also submit questions you may have below.

Ask a Question

Do you have a question about this project? Ask it here. 

To protect your privacy:

  • Do not include your last name in your username
  • Do not include any personal information (like your address) in your question  

Before submitting your question, make sure it meets our etiquette and moderation policy. If it doesn’t, we will not be able to respond. 

Please note that we get a large volume of questions and cannot answer everyone individually. If your question is urgent, call the City of Kitchener at 519-741-2345 (TTY: 1-866-969-9994)

  • Share Won't reducing traffic volumes and speeds on Dumfries Ave redirect traffic to Melrose Ave and East Ave given their proximity to both Dumfries and the Auditorium complex? I would expect that the 4 way stop at Dumfries and Krug should already result in reduced speeds whereas the traffic lights at East and Krug actually result in increased speeds on both streets when drivers try to beat the light changing from yellow to red. on Facebook Share Won't reducing traffic volumes and speeds on Dumfries Ave redirect traffic to Melrose Ave and East Ave given their proximity to both Dumfries and the Auditorium complex? I would expect that the 4 way stop at Dumfries and Krug should already result in reduced speeds whereas the traffic lights at East and Krug actually result in increased speeds on both streets when drivers try to beat the light changing from yellow to red. on Twitter Share Won't reducing traffic volumes and speeds on Dumfries Ave redirect traffic to Melrose Ave and East Ave given their proximity to both Dumfries and the Auditorium complex? I would expect that the 4 way stop at Dumfries and Krug should already result in reduced speeds whereas the traffic lights at East and Krug actually result in increased speeds on both streets when drivers try to beat the light changing from yellow to red. on Linkedin Email Won't reducing traffic volumes and speeds on Dumfries Ave redirect traffic to Melrose Ave and East Ave given their proximity to both Dumfries and the Auditorium complex? I would expect that the 4 way stop at Dumfries and Krug should already result in reduced speeds whereas the traffic lights at East and Krug actually result in increased speeds on both streets when drivers try to beat the light changing from yellow to red. link

    Won't reducing traffic volumes and speeds on Dumfries Ave redirect traffic to Melrose Ave and East Ave given their proximity to both Dumfries and the Auditorium complex? I would expect that the 4 way stop at Dumfries and Krug should already result in reduced speeds whereas the traffic lights at East and Krug actually result in increased speeds on both streets when drivers try to beat the light changing from yellow to red.

    marcus h asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for your question. Dumfries Avenue is a local/minor collector street which has the primary purpose of providing localized access to properties within the neighbourhood. East Avenue is a Major Collector Roadway which is designed to move and distribute higher volumes of traffic from arterial road networks to the community destinations.  Both East and Dumfries provide a direct access form the Stirling to Frederick, with traffic control/right of way through Krug St so we expect this to continue to be the frequented routes through this neighbourhood rather than Melrose Street which is a less convenient though traffic option. The objective is to improve safety along Dumfries and redistribute some traffic volume to higher order roads.