What are the hours of construction activity?
Construction activity is permitted, in accordance with the City of Kitchener noise bylaw, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Normally, road reconstruction projects are undertaken during the week from Monday to Friday. The occasional Saturday work may be required to meet the scheduled completion date.
Will my garbage pickup be affected?
Please refer to the two-page document titled Region of Waterloo Curbside Waste Collection during Reconstruction flyer
Will Dodge Drive be closed to traffic?
In order to carry out this work, it may be necessary to close parts of Dodge Drive to through traffic. Prior to any road closure, signs will be posted on the approaching streets advising motorists of the date and the duration of the closure. Access to all properties within the construction area will be maintained from one end of the street or the other.
City staff will be coordinating detours outside the project limits as required to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic during the project.
Will any of my existing services be interrupted?
Interruptions to existing services are not anticipated during the construction period.
Property owners will be contacted in advance by the city for the municipal services or the service provider for the private enterprises before any planned temporary interruption of services to minimize the inconvenience. Any work requiring service interruptions will be completed as quickly as possible so that service can be restored.