This section is about the two cross-sections.

Cross-sections show what the park looks like if you are standing on the ground. This means you can see how tall or how deep things are.

Cross-section one is as if you are standing on the current trail in front of the community garden and looking north across the park. Balzer Creek is on your left and the yards of Country Hill Drive are on your right. You can see the new trail and lookout on the left side of the wetland. The treed area remains to the left side of the trail and new plantings are within and to the right of the wetland. The solid blue area of the pond is how deep water will be most of the time. In most rain events, the water level might go up by about half a metre. Within 24 hours, the water level will go back to normal. In very large rain events, the type that happens once every one hundred years, the water level will go up by 1.4 metres.

Cross-section two is as if you are standing on Country Hill Drive and looking west across the park towards the baseball diamond. Century Hill Drive is on your left and the houses on Country Hill Drive are wrapping around to your right. Again, you can see the trees on both sides of the wetland. You can also see the armourstone seating walls between asphalt trails, which provide seating and support the slopes. The existing community garden and wooded area will remain to the far left. 

The next video is about wetland safety features.