This video will talk about the planting plan.

This map shows Country Hills Park and its surroundings. Balzer Creek and Country Hills Public School are north west of the park. Century Hill Drive is south of the park. Country Hill Drive is east of the park. The next slide will show a close-up inside the dotted area of this map. 

Country Hills Park already has a large wooded area. This treed area will remain.

There are four planting types throughout the park. All types include native plants.

The Urban Canopy Improvements are around the trail, play and sports areas, as well as the gathering node. These trees will grow to a medium to large size. Fast-growing trees will help to shade areas throughout the park and near seating amenities. These native trees will also provide habitat for the local ecosystem.

The Feature Area Plantings are alongside the trail, community garden, and play areas. These plantings include different types of perennial plants. They are composed of a variety of flowering and fruit producing shrubs and ornamental grasses. These plants will attract pollinators throughout the growing season.

The Pond Restoration Plantings are on the slopes of the wetland and around the maintenance access. This includes fast-growing trees and shrubs that will be a dense cover on the slopes. 

The Wetland Plantings are in the water and on the bottom edge of the slope. These are plants that love being wet and will help to improve water quality.

A strip of grass is on either side of the trail. The City will mow on both sides of the pathway to create a clean edge and prevent vegetation from blocking the path. The baseball diamond and the rest of the park excluding the existing trees will be mown grass as it is right now.

The next video will show cross-sections of the pond and park.