Slower speeds make for safer streets

Studies show that speeding is a significant contributing factor leading to severe injuries and fatal collisions worldwide. The likelihood of survival in a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian is approximately 15 per cent when the vehicle is traveling at 50 km/h. However, the likelihood of survival increases to 75 per cent when the vehicle is traveling at 40 km/h or below.

Image shows figures of people to represent the survival rates for collisions

Studies show that higher speeds not only increase the risk of severe injuries and fatal collisions, but also increase the risk of a collision happening in the first place. Higher speeds increase the distance required to stop safely by reducing both the braking time and the driver’s reaction time available to prevent a collision from happening. A stopping distance of approximately 85 metres is required for a vehicle travelling at 60 km/h, 63 metres for a vehicle travelling at 50 km/h, and 45 metres for a vehicle travelling at 40 km/h.

Image shows the reaction distance and breaking distance for cars travelling at different speeds

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