Climate change adaptation - we want to hear from you
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Consultation has concluded. Thank you to all who have participated!
Thank you to everyone who shared ideas on climate change adaptation. Your feedback helped us finalize the corporate climate change adaptation plan. Between our online questions and our in-person engagement booths, we heard from or shared information with 146 people.
Based on your feedback, key changes were made to the final corporate climate change adaptation plan:
We added a sentence about exploring integrated solutions with the Region of Waterloo.
A sentence was added to clarify our intent behind identifying potential opportunities related to climate change.
A summary of the community engagement program was incorporated in the main body of the plan as well as a more detailed appendix.
We clarified and/or built upon the description/scope provided for various actions in the plan's implementation schedule.
In summary
Completed in 2019, the corporate climate adaptation plan includes actions that help the city adapt our assets, operations and services to address the impacts of a changing climate.
Goals of the plan:
minimize health and safety risks to outdoor workers and community members
generate awareness of changing climate conditions with staff and the public
ensure a coordinated response to extreme weather events
consider climate change impacts in infrastructure design, construction and maintenance
foster resiliency within the urban forest and natural landscape
reduce risk associated with heavy rainfall and flooding
minimize the disruption of city services
integrate climate adaptation into the city planning and operations
Thank you to everyone who shared ideas on climate change adaptation. Your feedback helped us finalize the corporate climate change adaptation plan. Between our online questions and our in-person engagement booths, we heard from or shared information with 146 people.
Based on your feedback, key changes were made to the final corporate climate change adaptation plan:
We added a sentence about exploring integrated solutions with the Region of Waterloo.
A sentence was added to clarify our intent behind identifying potential opportunities related to climate change.
A summary of the community engagement program was incorporated in the main body of the plan as well as a more detailed appendix.
We clarified and/or built upon the description/scope provided for various actions in the plan's implementation schedule.
In summary
Completed in 2019, the corporate climate adaptation plan includes actions that help the city adapt our assets, operations and services to address the impacts of a changing climate.
Goals of the plan:
minimize health and safety risks to outdoor workers and community members
generate awareness of changing climate conditions with staff and the public
ensure a coordinated response to extreme weather events
consider climate change impacts in infrastructure design, construction and maintenance
foster resiliency within the urban forest and natural landscape
reduce risk associated with heavy rainfall and flooding
minimize the disruption of city services
integrate climate adaptation into the city planning and operations
Tell us what you think about our draft corporate climate change adaptation plan or other local issues related to climate change.
Consultation has concluded. Thank you to all who have participated!
To what extent is Climate Change (and everything that may come with it) a mental health challenge? And what does the CoW adaptation plan have to say about that? (haven't read the plan, but plan to).
To what extent is Climate Change (and everything that may come with it) a mental health challenge? And what does the CoW adaptation plan have to say about that? (haven't read the plan, but plan to).
Thank you.