Cambridge Connected Strategic Plan

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Consultation has concluded

It is time to update the strategic plan for the City of Cambridge, and we want to hear from you!

Why do we need a strategic plan?

A strategic plan provides a foundation for decision making, priority setting and ongoing performance management. Creating a strategic plan requires connecting with the community, to ensure the City’s services reflect the priorities of the people who live, work and play here.

The Cambridge Connected Strategic Plan will: connect the community’s vision and goals with the corporate mission, values and actions of the City; guide decision-making; help direct tax dollars to

It is time to update the strategic plan for the City of Cambridge, and we want to hear from you!

Why do we need a strategic plan?

A strategic plan provides a foundation for decision making, priority setting and ongoing performance management. Creating a strategic plan requires connecting with the community, to ensure the City’s services reflect the priorities of the people who live, work and play here.

The Cambridge Connected Strategic Plan will: connect the community’s vision and goals with the corporate mission, values and actions of the City; guide decision-making; help direct tax dollars to community priorities; and allow the community to measure progress.

Where we’ve been:

In January 2016, Cambridge City Council approved the first four-year community strategic plan, Cambridge Connected: Our Voice. Our Vision. Cambridge Connected brought together stakeholders in an extensive engagement process to develop the vision, mission and values that provide a starting point for the City’s priority setting.

The 2016-2019 plan identified 7 goals and 26 objectives. We reported on the implementation of the plan using our strategic plan dashboard ( and annual business plans (

What are the next steps?

We are now updating the strategic plan for the 2020 - 2023 time frame. The resulting plan must meet the needs of all stakeholders – community, Council and staff – in terms of decision making, priority setting and ongoing performance management in the City of Cambridge. We will approach this project in three phases:

  • Phase 1: Understanding where we’ve been (January to March) – This will include a community satisfaction survey, orientation for the project team and Council, and a public launch event.
  • Phase 2: Where do we want to go as a community? (April to November) This phase will involve significant public engagement and will be focused on understanding community priorities. A summary report will identify the goals and strategic objectives that will be further explored in Phase 3.
  • Phase 3: Moving forward (December to March 2021) – This phase will focus on action and implementation planning, and will look at opportunities for measurement and reporting. 
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Share your thoughts on the proposed actions for our Strategic Plan. For full descriptions of each action, see our recent update.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Since we began the process of updating the City's strategic plan in early 2020, we have heard from more than 1,350 people. Now, we want to hear your input on the draft goals and objectives for the plan. This draft will be revised based on the feedback we receive before being presented to Council for approval, and moving forward with action planning and implementation in 2021. 

    Based on the feedback received during Phases 1 & 2 of this project, the following 3 goals and 11 objectives are proposed:

    Goal: Foster a community with heart, where everyone belongs and is cared for.
    - WELLBEING - Connect people to services that support individual and community wellbeing
    - BELONGING - Be known as a safe and welcoming community where everyone feels like they matter
    - INCLUSION - Deliver accessible, inclusive services, programs and infrastructure for all ages
    - VIBRANT NEIGHBOURHOODS - Promote, facilitate and participate in the development safe and healthy neighbourhoods with a range of housing options

    Goal: Embrace and celebrate our city’s unique character while enhancing the spaces where people connect.
    - PLACEMAKING – Promote and create a wide range of destinations and activities that capitalize on the beauty of the rivers and heritage buildings
    - GREEN SPACES – Actively collaborate to protect and steward our parks, green spaces and environmental areas
    - PLANNING FOR GROWTH – Provide for a mix of development, uses and amenities in order to meet the needs of a changing and diverse population

    Goal: Build a vibrant and sustainable city where current and future generations will live well.
    - A STRONG DOWNTOWN - Create an inviting downtown that connects and complements core areas and neighbourhoods where people want to live and visit
    - GETTING AROUND - Emphasize connectivity and active transportation choices to help people travel in and beyond the city without a car
    - ECONOMIC INCLUSION & SUPPORT – Establish and extend inclusive programs to support business readiness and workforce development and help local businesses to thrive
    - RESILIENCY – Use a future-oriented, proactive approach to climate action and emergency preparedness
    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey concluded on November 18th.

    We’ve heard through the responses to our Community Satisfaction Survey and our weekly Engage surveys (conducted during the month of September) that government transparency, community safety and addressing social issues are top priorities for community members.

    The City of Cambridge is a lower-tier municipality within the Region of Waterloo, and each level of government has different roles and responsibilities. In Cambridge, the areas of public health, community services, police services, social planning and community housing are led by the Region. In addition, many services are offered by not-for-profit or charitable organizations in the community.

    We would like to better understand what actions you feel the City should take in order to do its part to improve and address these priority issues in our community. All questions are optional. The information gathered will be used to inform the next steps of the strategic planning process. 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    One of the key themes to emerge from Phase 1 was the importance of supporting small business success and creating economic prosperity for all

    This is the third of five weekly community surveys that will seek additional input into the emerging themes of the Cambridge Connected strategic plan. Your feedback will help to inform the development of strategic goals and objectives for 2020-2023. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    One of the key themes to emerge from Phase 1 was the importance of public value and providing engaging, trusted stewardship of our shared resources.

    This is the fourth of five weekly community surveys that will seek additional input into the emerging themes of the Cambridge Connected strategic plan. Your feedback will help to inform the development of strategic goals and objectives for 2020-2023. 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    One of the key themes to emerge from Phase 1 was the importance of having a liveable, green city for residents and visitors

    This is the second of five weekly community surveys that will seek additional input into the emerging themes of the Cambridge Connected strategic plan. Your feedback will help to inform the development of strategic goals and objectives for 2020-2023. 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    One of the key themes to emerge from Phase 1 was the importance of creating a strong sense of community and belonging in Cambridge. 

    This is the first of five weekly community surveys that will seek additional input into the emerging themes of the Cambridge Connected strategic plan. Your feedback will help to inform the development of strategic goals and objectives for 2020-2023. 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey ended on February 28, 2020. Thanks for your interest and check back soon for results!

    The City of Cambridge is conducting a survey for residents so that you can share your opinions about what's most important to you as it relates to your local municipal government. 

    The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. 

    The information we gather through this survey is an important first step in building the City's 2020-2023 strategic plan because it will help us understand how we're doing and what is most important to you. 

    Consultation has concluded
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