Cambridge Connected: Draft Goals and Objectives
Since we began the process of updating the City's strategic plan in early 2020, we have heard from more than 1,350 people. Now, we want to hear your input on the draft goals and objectives for the plan. This draft will be revised based on the feedback we receive before being presented to Council for approval. While the goals and objectives are still high-level, our goal with this feedback is to confirm and refine these statements so that we can proceed with more detailed action planning in early 2021. (You can take the survey and share your thoughts here until November 30th.)
Based on the feedback received during Phases 1 & 2 of this project, the following three goals and 11 objectives are proposed:
Goal: Foster a community with heart, where everyone belongs and is cared for.
- WELLBEING - Connect people to services that support individual and community wellbeing
- BELONGING - Be known as a safe and welcoming community where everyone feels like they matter
- INCLUSION - Deliver accessible, inclusive services, programs and infrastructure for all ages
- VIBRANT NEIGHBOURHOODS - Promote, facilitate and participate in the development safe and healthy neighbourhoods with a range of housing options
Goal: Embrace and celebrate our city’s unique character while enhancing the spaces where people connect.
- PLACEMAKING – Promote and create a wide range of destinations and activities that capitalize on the beauty of the rivers and heritage buildings
- GREEN SPACES – Actively collaborate to protect and steward our parks, green spaces and environmental areas
- PLANNING FOR GROWTH – Provide for a mix of development, uses and amenities in order to meet the needs of a changing and diverse population
Goal: Build a vibrant and sustainable city where current and future generations will live well.
- A STRONG DOWNTOWN - Create an inviting downtown that connects and complements core areas and neighbourhoods where people want to live and visit
- GETTING AROUND - Emphasize connectivity and active transportation choices to help people travel in and beyond the city without a car
- ECONOMIC INCLUSION & SUPPORT – Establish and extend inclusive programs to support business readiness and workforce development and help local businesses to thrive
- RESILIENCY – Use a future-oriented, proactive approach to climate action and emergency preparedness
The city is also looking to include a new statement around PUBLIC VALUE that commits to the principles of leadership, collaboration, sustainability, engagement and communication across all the actions of the plan.
The draft public value statement is: "We will deliver public value while providing service excellence and promoting pride of place. Our public value principles are: sustainability, leadership, collaboration, engagement and communication."
The survey to share your feedback on these items is open until November 30th.
Consultation has concluded