Cambridge Connected Goals & Objectives Approved!

On January 12, 2021, Cambridge City Council received staff report 21-008(CRE) and approved the Cambridge Connected goals and objectives. The meeting of Council was recorded and can be viewed on the City's YouTube channel (opens in new tab), with the presentation starting at 36:50. A link to the complete report can also be found under "Important Links" on this page.

Thank you to everyone who provided your input so far! We were pleased to receive more than 800 responses to our surveys and feedback opportunities in Phase 2, and look forward to additional opportunities to engage in Phase 3. Over the next three months, we'll be working to identify specific, measurable actions related to each of these objectives. For more information about some ideas and emerging themes for action, see the Cambridge Connected Goals & Objectives document available as a PDF download from the "Document Library"

Within the themes of people, place and prosperity, there are three goals and eleven objectives:

PEOPLE: Foster a community with heart, where everyone belongs and is cared for.


WELLBEING - Connect people to services that support individual and community wellbeing

BELONGING - Be known as a safe and welcoming community where everyone feels like they matter

INCLUSION - Deliver accessible, diverse and inclusive services, programs and infrastructure for all ages and abilities

VIBRANT NEIGHBOURHOODS - Promote, facilitate and participate in the development safe and healthy neighbourhoods with a range of housing options

Place: Embrace and celebrate our city’s unique character while enhancing the spaces where people connect.


PLACEMAKING – Promote and create a wide range of destinations and activities that capitalize on the beauty of the rivers and heritage buildings

GREEN SPACES – Protect, enhance and steward our parks, green spaces and environmental areas

PLANNING FOR GROWTH – Provide for a mix of development, uses and amenities in order to meet the needs of a changing and diverse population

Prosperity: Build a vibrant and resilient city where current and future generations will live well


STRONG CORES - Create an inviting downtown that connects and complements core areas and neighbourhoods where people want to live and visit

GETTING AROUND - Emphasize connectivity and active transportation choices to help people travel in and beyond the city without a car

ECONOMIC INCLUSION & SUPPORT – Establish and extend inclusive programs to support business readiness and workforce development and help local businesses to thrive

RESILIENCY – Use a future-oriented, proactive approach to climate action and emergency preparedness.

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