Key Dates
December 10 2018 → January 12 2019
Budget information is released to council and the public
The proposed budget and related documents and reports are tabled with council and released to the public. In addition, the proposed city utility service rates for 2019 are tabled with council for their consideration and approval on Jan. 21, 2019 and the proposed rental housing rates for 2019 is tabled with council for their approval.
December 11 2018 → February 15 2019
Public engagement begins
We're interested in better understanding what information residents would like to know about the budget and budget process.
January 14 → January 28 2019
Department business plans are presented to council
On Jan. 14, 21 and 28, business plans are presented to council. Business plans provide an opportunity to inform as well as educate and provide an overview of the various services provided by the city.
January 21 2019
City utility rates for 2019 are approved by council
The proposed city utility service rates (water, sewer, stormwater inclusive) for 2019 will be approved by council on this day. The utility rates are effective Feb. 1, 2019.