Update on Brubacher Green construction
We would like to express our sincere regret for the delay in the reconstruction of Brubacher Green. We recognize that many of you are feeling frustrated. We are committed to providing and maintaining quality park space for our residents, and we understand the impact this delay may have on those who were looking forward to using the park this summer.
We understand that these delays may be disappointing, but we are confident that the upgrades will benefit the community in the long-term. The extra time and effort will result in an improved park space that will be enjoyed for years to come. The upgrades include replacing playground equipment, adding accessibility upgrades, and a new bicycle rack. The new play equipment will provide various play experiences for children of all ages, while the accessibility upgrades will make the park more inclusive for all.
We are doing everything possible to complete the park as soon as possible. We will continue to provide updates on the progress and will announce a new opening date as soon as it is available.
Find parks and amenities near you
We understand caregivers and children miss a nearby space to play and hope other neighbouring park amenities can be used in the meantime. Here is a list of some parks and open spaces nearby and approximate distances to them.
500m - 1 km distance (10-15 min. walk):
- Civic Centre Park
- Knollwood Park
- Weber Park
- Gordon Green
2-5 km distance (20-30 min. walk):
- Iron horse Trail
- Victoria Park
- Stanley Park Conservation Area
- Springwood Park
You can also discover parks and amenities in your neighbourhood using the City of Kitchener Parks story map. If you get a pop up asking you to sign in to ArcGIS, please click ‘Cancel’. It is not necessary to sign in to view the content.
New ways to connect
You might have noticed that we updated our profiles. Our team also has a new email, so it is simpler to contact us. Whether you have questions about the park's development or want more information about its amenities, our team is here to help. We are committed to providing regular and informative communication with our community.
The project email is BrubacherGreen@kitchener.ca
Thanks again for your patience and understanding as we continue to work on improving Brubacher Green.
This project is now complete. If you have any questions about this project moving forward, please email BrubacherGreen@kitchener.ca or call 519-741-2345 (TTY: 1-866-969-9994) and ask for the Parks division.