Biehn Drive Traffic Calming Review

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This project is now complete. Please note that no final survey will be administered. In summer 2024, it was determined by Council that we will no longer implement safety improvements through a formal traffic calming program. We have moved to a hot spot improvement model instead. For more information, please visit

Traffic calming is the use of a variety of traffic management techniques to reduce the overall impacts of traffic on neighbourhood streets, communities and other public facilities such as parks and schools. Traffic calming is considered in areas where speeding, through-traffic, collisions and overall general traffic and pedestrian safety are of concern and cannot be addressed through other measures. Based on numerous complaints, our review of the traffic issues on Biehn Drive and comparing the results to other roadways on our traffic calming priority listing, Biehn Drive was approved by Council to be considered for traffic calming.

Below is a map of the study area which includes directly fronting addresses and other properties that may be indirectly impacted.

Image of the Biehn Drive study area

  • Before traffic calming measures are considered, a review will be conducted which includes extensive public engagement, including a Public Information Centre (PIC) and the consideration of different traffic calming alternatives. These alternatives are assessed based on social, economic and environmental impacts.
  • Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section in the bottom of this page for more information about the traffic calming process and the different types of traffic calming measures.
  • For more information about the Biehn Drive traffic conditions including existing traffic controls, traffic speed and volumes, and collision history, please refer to the documents section.
  • For examples of traffic calming measures on other roadways in Kitchener, please refer to the documents section.

Traffic calming is the use of a variety of traffic management techniques to reduce the overall impacts of traffic on neighbourhood streets, communities and other public facilities such as parks and schools. Traffic calming is considered in areas where speeding, through-traffic, collisions and overall general traffic and pedestrian safety are of concern and cannot be addressed through other measures. Based on numerous complaints, our review of the traffic issues on Biehn Drive and comparing the results to other roadways on our traffic calming priority listing, Biehn Drive was approved by Council to be considered for traffic calming.

Below is a map of the study area which includes directly fronting addresses and other properties that may be indirectly impacted.

Image of the Biehn Drive study area

  • Before traffic calming measures are considered, a review will be conducted which includes extensive public engagement, including a Public Information Centre (PIC) and the consideration of different traffic calming alternatives. These alternatives are assessed based on social, economic and environmental impacts.
  • Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section in the bottom of this page for more information about the traffic calming process and the different types of traffic calming measures.
  • For more information about the Biehn Drive traffic conditions including existing traffic controls, traffic speed and volumes, and collision history, please refer to the documents section.
  • For examples of traffic calming measures on other roadways in Kitchener, please refer to the documents section.

This project is now complete. Please note that no final survey will be administered. In summer 2024, it was determined by Council that we will no longer implement safety improvements through a formal traffic calming program. We have moved to a hot spot improvement model instead. For more information, please visit

  • Biehn Drive traffic calming measures installed

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    The traffic calming measures were installed on Biehn Drive this fall. With construction completed, staff will now monitor the new traffic calming measures and collect updated traffic data. Residents will have the opportunity to share feedback through a with a final survey on this page. To be notified when that survey is available, please subscribe for email updates. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page, then click 'Subscribe'.

  • Biehn Drive traffic calming measures delayed

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    Due to a busy construction season and a backlog of work from both the City's and contractor's end, we will be unable to complete the concrete, asphalt and pavement marking work required for the traffic calming measures in 2022. The City's Engineering and Roads and Traffic team have committed to prioritizing this work along Biehn Drive as early as possible in spring 2023. We apologize for the delay and will update you again in early spring.

    If you have any questions, please contact Steve Ryder, Transportation Planning Analyst at or 519-741-2200 x7152.

  • Council approves traffic calming plan

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    On June 13, 2022 city staff presented a report recommending a preferred traffic calming plan be installed along Biehn Drive. Kitchener City Council has now approved this recommendation. Construction of the traffic calming is expected to be completed by late summer or early fall of 2022.

    To watch a video of the Council meeting, read the meeting agenda package, or view the minutes with Council's decision, please visit the Community and Infrastructure Services Committee calendar entry for June 13, 2022.

  • Final Survey Results Available!

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    Transportation Services staff have concluded their review of the responses from the final survey that was circulated to neighbourhood residents in a letter that was dated February 28, 2022. A follow-up letter, dated May 9, 2022, highlighting the results of the survey and changes made to the preferred plan has been circulated to neighbourhood residents. This letter also outlines the date in which a report recommending the final preferred plan will be presented to the Community and Infrastructure Services Committee (CISC), which will occur on Monday, June 13, 2022.

    Overall, the results of the final survey show that residents overwhelmingly support the proposed traffic calming plan with 86% support. While the minimum response rate of 50% was not achieved – with 34% all of residents directly fronting Biehn Drive (and Maxwell Drive) responding to the survey – staff are recommending the proposed traffic calming plan be implemented given the strong support demonstrated. Additionally, the initial proposed traffic circle at the intersection of Biehn Drive & Kilkerran Crescent/Robertson Crescent has been replaced with a speed cushion in order to address resident concerns and some design challenges at the intersection.

    A final version of the preferred traffic calming plan that will be presented to the Community & Infrastructure Services Committee is illustrated in the following images below:

    As mentioned, the date that the report will be presented to the CISC is Monday, June 13, 2022. For those who are interested in accessing the meeting live-stream video it is available at:

    You can also register as a delegate or submit written submissions to Sarah Goldrup, Committee Administrator at Delegates must register by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 10, 2022, in order to participate electronically. Written comments will be circulated prior to the meeting and will form part of the public record.

    If you would like a copy of the report DSD-2022-197 – Biehn Drive Traffic Calming – Implementation Approval in advance of this meeting please contact me.


    Steve Ryder

    (519) 741 2200 ext. 7152, or

  • Final Survey is active!

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    Transportation Services has assessed the existing traffic conditions along Biehn Drive and developed and evaluated alternative solutions in order to address resident concerns. A draft version of the preferred traffic calming plan was presented to area residents through a virtual Public Information Centre held on November 23, 2021. Based on feedback from residents and affected agencies, the draft preferred plan has been modified and finalized for the final survey that is now open until Monday, March 21, 2022.

    The final preferred alternative consists of the following measures listed below:

    1. A speed cushion on Old Huron Road between Battler Road & Maxwell Drive
    2. A speed cushion on Biehn Drive between the Huron Road ramp & Old Huron Place
    3. A speed cushion on Biehn Drive between Old Huron Place & Carlyle Drive
    4. Pedestrian improvements at the intersection with Black Walnut Drive
    5. A speed cushion on Biehn Drive between Marl Meadow Drive & McLeod Court
    6. A traffic circle on Biehn Drive at the intersection with Kilkerran Crescent/Robertson Crescent
    7. A speed hump on Maxwell Drive located at Brigadoon Park

    To indicate your support or opposition to the proposed traffic calming plan, please complete our final survey. We require that 50% of residents respond, with 60% in support of the preferred plan before work can proceed. Please note that each address will only have one vote. All directly affected residents of Biehn Drive, as well as neighbouring roadways, are eligible to take part in this survey.

    To request a paper copy of the survey, please contact Steven Ryder at 519-741-2200 ext 7152 or by email

  • Resident Feedback Form Active!

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    Thank you to all neighbourhood residents who were able to attend the virtual Public Information Centre on Tuesday, November 23, 2021. We hope that it was informative for everyone and that we were able to answer and respond to all of your questions and concerns.

    There feedback form for residents to comment on the preferred design alternative for the Biehn Drive traffic calming plan is now available via the Survey tool on this EngageWR portal. It will be open to residents until January 14, 2022.

    If you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to view a copy of the presentation, it can be found in the Documents widget on the main page.

    If you have any questions and concerns, please feel free to email me directly at, or give me a call at (519) 741 2200 ex. 7152.

    Thank you,

    Steve Ryder

  • Public Information Centre - Tuesday, November 23, 2021

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    On March 9, 2020, the Community and Infrastructure Services Committee approved a recommendation for a formal traffic calming review of Biehn Drive, which was ratified by Council on March 23, 2020.

    We completed an initial survey of Biehn Drive and neighbourhood residents earlier this year. Through that survey, residents indicated support to initiate the formal traffic calming review.

    The purpose of the review is to address traffic issues and concerns along Biehn Drive. Based on a comprehensive review and input received from residents, we have evaluated several traffic calming measures and developed a draft preferred traffic calming plan.

    In order to obtain your input on the draft preferred plan, there will be a virtual public information centre that is scheduled for Tuesday, November 23, 2021 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This session will be hosted on Zoom. If you wish to attend this public information centre, please join us at:

    When: Nov 23, 2021 04:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Topic: Transportation Services Meeting

    Please click the link below to join the webinar:

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