Mission, vision and values

The Steering Committee has developed the mission, vision and values for the Alternate Destination Clinics Project.

Mission: Through collaboration, provide compassionate, holistic care in a safe space for individuals with mental health and substance use concerns.

Vision: A community where stigma-free care for mental health and substance use concerns is accessible to all.

Core Values

  • Respect: Everyone accessing the clinics is accepted, valued and made to feel like they belong.
  • Accountability: The alternate destination clinics adhere to their mission and vision statements and are transparent with their partners and clients.
  • Inclusive: The alternate destination clinics provides a welcoming and safe space for everyone accessing its services and supports.
  • Accessible: The clinics eliminate any barriers that may exist for those wanting to access service

Aspirational Values

  • Flexible: The clinics are committed to adapting and evolving to the needs of the community
  • Empowering: The clinics ensure clients have access to the care they need and are active partners in the decision making related to their care
  • Trauma-informed: Providers at the clinics operate using a trauma-informed lens to ensure those accessing service do not feel threatened or triggered when accessing care
  • Collaborative: The clinics work with a variety of partners and organizations to coordinate care and ensure a seamless pathway for those accessing service
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