354 King St N (Z-24-15, OPA 59)

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Computer generated drawing of the high rise building exterior with a 5 floor podium and a centred tower

Application to amend zoning for 354 King St N

Changes to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.

TJMT Enterprises Ltd. is proposing to build a twenty-four storey mixed-use building containing 185 residential dwelling units and 770 square metres of commercial floor area. The proposed development also includes 186 parking spaces, and 118 bicycle parking spaces with access from both King St N and Regina St N.

Official plan changes include re-designating the subject land from Corridor Commercial to Mixed-Use High Density Residential.

Zoning bylaw changes include rezoning the lands from Corridor Commercial (C5-81) to Residential Mixed-Use (RMU-81), with the following changes:

  • increase the maximum setback from King Street from 6 m to 7 m
  • permit exterior stairs and ramps higher than 0.6 m
  • permit a retaining wall higher than 0.6 m
  • reduce the commercial parking spaces from 21 to 19 spaces
  • reduce the number of residential parking spaces from 185 to 148 spaces
  • permit commercial uses on the second storey
  • reduce the landscaped space from 30% to 27%

View the documents submitted by the development company in the 'application package' under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.

Building height, units, housing types

Tallest tower: 24 storeys

Number of units: 185

Unit sizes: mix of one, two and three bedrooms

Housing types: apartments

Non-residential floor space

Commercial space: 770 sqm


Commercial space parking: 19 spaces (2.4 spaces per 100 sqm)

Residential parking: 148 spaces (0.8 spaces per sqm), 19 visitor spaces

Bicycle parking: 118

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.

Computer generated drawing of the high rise building exterior with a 5 floor podium and a centred tower

Application to amend zoning for 354 King St N

Changes to the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw for this location are required before a permit can be issued. This means that they submit an application that is reviewed by city planners and other agencies plus city council before anything can be built.

TJMT Enterprises Ltd. is proposing to build a twenty-four storey mixed-use building containing 185 residential dwelling units and 770 square metres of commercial floor area. The proposed development also includes 186 parking spaces, and 118 bicycle parking spaces with access from both King St N and Regina St N.

Official plan changes include re-designating the subject land from Corridor Commercial to Mixed-Use High Density Residential.

Zoning bylaw changes include rezoning the lands from Corridor Commercial (C5-81) to Residential Mixed-Use (RMU-81), with the following changes:

  • increase the maximum setback from King Street from 6 m to 7 m
  • permit exterior stairs and ramps higher than 0.6 m
  • permit a retaining wall higher than 0.6 m
  • reduce the commercial parking spaces from 21 to 19 spaces
  • reduce the number of residential parking spaces from 185 to 148 spaces
  • permit commercial uses on the second storey
  • reduce the landscaped space from 30% to 27%

View the documents submitted by the development company in the 'application package' under supporting documents on this page for more details and drawings.

Building height, units, housing types

Tallest tower: 24 storeys

Number of units: 185

Unit sizes: mix of one, two and three bedrooms

Housing types: apartments

Non-residential floor space

Commercial space: 770 sqm


Commercial space parking: 19 spaces (2.4 spaces per 100 sqm)

Residential parking: 148 spaces (0.8 spaces per sqm), 19 visitor spaces

Bicycle parking: 118

You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.

Images are provided by the applicant and may not reflect the final design approved by the planning division.

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Questions and answers will be published on this site for public viewing. If your username includes your first or last name, or your email address, these will be available for public viewing. Do not include personal or identifying information in your question; if your question is of a personal nature, consider contacting a member of the project team directly. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Questions will be answered by a member of the Planning department within two business days. Some questions may require more time but they will be answered as soon as the information for the response can be collected.

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Page last updated: 16 Jul 2024, 01:31 PM