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Sidewalk snow clearing general survey

City of Waterloo Council has directed staff to review and report back on possible improvements to the current shared model of sidewalk snow clearing as part of the 2024-2026 budget process. The City is not considering city-wide clearing of all sidewalks at this time. This survey will be open through May 3, 2023.

Recommendations to Council will offer improvements to the City’s current shared model where both the city and property owners clear snow from sidewalks. The focus will be on a review of sidewalk clearing at key areas, taking into consideration accessibility needs, proximity and connectivity to public transit, schools, hospitals, health services and other essential facilities in alignment with active transportation and transit routes. Staff are also reviewing sidewalk clearance practices in other similar communities. 

Opportunities for improvement may include snow clearing at intersection corners, along curb faced sidewalks, enhanced compliance, enhanced support and volunteer services, and improved communications with a potential phased-in implementation as part of the upcoming city three-year budget process.

This survey is to gather general community input on opportunities to improve our current shared sidewalk snow clearing practices, and is only one piece of the engagement happening on this project. Staff are also following up with municipal partners, individuals who have delegated to council, and having focused discussions with interested and impacted parties. 

Individual survey responses will not immediately be made available publicly, but your feedback (including overall results of surveys, and in some instances, unidentifiable and randomly chosen quotes or comments from surveys) may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Please note, if you choose to provide personal information in your comments, it will be available for City staff reviewing responses to this survey. Responses to surveys are subject to Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 (as amended) and can be a part of a Freedom of Information request. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.