
Amendments adopted

23 August 2021

The Part 1 Amendments to the UDM as presented to City Council on June 28th 2021 were adopted unanimously, and the existing UDM will be revised accordingly. The revised UDM will replace the current UDM as the primary Urban Design Guideline for the City on an interim basis until the completion of the Part 2 full UDM Refresh.

The UDM amendments mean the revised document will now reflect the city’s Strategic Plan, by incorporating new strategic objectives relate to the themes of equity and inclusion, environmental stewardship, sustainability, and safety. The revised UDM will also incorporate approved strategies and plans such as the Uptown Public Realm Strategy, update references to align with current standards (e.g., City of Waterloo Accessibility Standards 2016), and advance minor amendments related to exterior design.

The detailed amendments are available in the appendix to the staff report. They are primarily updates to outdated language references, new references to better implement the City’s Strategic Plan, and advances minor amendments related to, but not limited to:

  • Zoning By-law 2018-050;
  • exterior design (e.g., façade and building material innovation);
  • high order transit station area planning; and,
  • the Uptown Public Realm Strategy.