The construction is now complete, and the project has entered the maintenance phase. This means we will inspect all aspects of the work done to ensure that it meets our standards. We will also address any deficiencies. Once this phase is complete, we will add a final layer of surface asphalt. This is usually about two years from the start of maintenance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Engineering division at 519-741-2345 (TTY:1-866-969-9994) or
Rehabilitation of this one continuous structure is required to avoid further deterioration and to maintain the culverts in safe operating condition,
The proposed rehabilitation work includes:
- Strengthening of the culvert with concrete slab dowelled into the existing concrete top slab soffit, below the roadway on each end of the structure.
- Patch repair and crack injection of the concrete culverts.
- Repair of deteriorated expansion joints.
- Replacement of headwall and parapet wall at Stirling Ave. S. end of structure, including associated temporary sidewalk bypass, new replacement sidewalk and miscellaneous repair work.
All residents are also invited to review the project information boards for more information.
Progress and major milestones will be posted on this project page. Subscribe to get project updates by using the Stay Informed 'Subscribe' button.