Application for general amendments to the Zoning Bylaw 2018-050 to create a new zoning category (Z-24-14)
Z-24-14 is a City initiated Zoning By-law Amendment to create a new Station Area Mixed-Use zone for employment lands within the R&T Park and Northfield Station Areas.
As part of the City of Waterloo’s Official Plan Review, scheduled to go to Council on December 2nd, 2024, a new land use designation (Station Area Mixed-Use) is being proposed for lands previously identified as “Potential Transition Areas” due to their proximity to the R&T Park and Northfield ION Stations. The new designation will allow a broader mix of uses within these areas, including Employment, Commercial, Residential, and Community Uses.
Should Council approve the “Station Area Mixed-Use” land use designation, Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-24-14 will implement the new OP policies through a new “Station Area Mixed-Use” Zone.
For more information on the Official Plan review, view the Engage page.
Lands proposed to receive the new Station Area Mixed-Use designation and zoning.
A draft of the proposed zone is available for review in the Supporting Documents section of this page.
You can provide feedback to the planning department, and it will be shared with the council, or ask a question to learn more about this application.