
Stage 5 - Road Reconstruction of Islington Avenue

23 October 2024

The City of Kitchener will begin installing all the surface works on Islington Avenue between Rosemount Drive and Sherwood Avenue on Oct. 24, 2024. Crews will start with stringline setup for concrete curb installation followed by curb placement, sidewalks, driveways, road (base asphalt) and landscaping.

This work is part of the Council-approved 2023 Capital Works Program to renew aging city roads, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and sidewalk for current and future needs. Please see a map of the work area below. Impacts to property access are expected during surface works construction, please see below for more information.

Map of work area

Work Hours

Work will take place from 7 a.m. up to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday; work on weekends may also be required from time to time, but is unlikely, and is pre-approved Saturday and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m..

Driveway Access during Surface Work

The contractor estimates that driveway access will be lost for about 3-5 weeks while concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway ramps and asphalt road paving is planned to occur. The duration of lost driveway access is due to several factors including:

  • time required for crews to complete their work
  • time required for concrete to properly cure to reach its proper strength
  • subcontractor’s schedule
  • other unforeseen factors such as weather.

Road and Sidewalk Access

In order to complete the work in a safe manner, there will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the work zone. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times. Wood planks/bridges may be constructed at various points along the site, by the contractor, over the newly poured concrete sidewalks to provide pedestrian access to properties.

Driveway Access

The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access. There will be times where driveway access is not possible due to the nature of the work.

During reconstruction, temporary parking permits will be issued to displaced residents to allow on-street parking when needed. The permits will list streets for parking as you will be permitted to park longer than 3 hours and overnight. Permits are to be displayed on the dash of your vehicle. Ensure that your vehicle is parked in permitted areas only and that you do not interfere with any construction operations. We communicate with the Bylaw Enforcement team to ensure residents displaced by construction are noted, although illegal parking and/or safety related issues will continue to be enforced. The permits will be handed out by the site inspector. Typically, two permits are handed out per property. If you require additional permits, please reach out to the site inspector.

Accessible Accommodation

The City's contractor must ensure safe and accessible walkways and entryways are maintained for everyone during construction. Any temporary access disruptions will be communicated as soon as possible. If you experience a disruption, have a specific access need or related accommodation request, contact the person listed below.

Residents who require accommodation (level entry, longer notice, etc.) must contact the Project Manager to arrange for access during construction.

On-Site Communication

There are times when contractors need to communicate with homeowners about what is happening on-site. This could be about driveway access, water shut-offs, pre-construction inspections, and site restoration work (landscaping, installing pavers etc.). Contractor's staff will be identifiable by their high-visibility company branded clothing. If you need to speak with staff on the construction site, please ask for the Site Inspector.

Garbage and Recycling

Please have materials placed at curbside before 7 a.m. on your collection day. If required, the contractor will move bins to an appropriate location and return them in reasonable amount of time after collection. Please ensure that you label your bins with your address.


The construction work area will be restored with sod, concrete and/or asphalt where required. Interlocking bricks, flagstone on a granular base, or other similar features that are removed from public and private property during construction will be replaced. Further information regarding sod will follow once the sod is placed.


This project will affect on-street parking. Parking in the active work zone is not permitted as space is needed for construction equipment and materials. If your parked vehicle affects construction work, it will be relocated with no charge to the owner.

If you require parking enforcement, please contact 519-741-2345.

Moving in/out and Deliveries

Efforts will be made to accommodate properties that have scheduled move-ins / move-outs and deliveries. Please contact the site inspector in advance to advise of any delivery access.

Site Inspector

If you have construction questions or an issue onsite, we ask that you be directed to the site inspector who represents the city onsite. The site inspector is onsite daily and can be identified by the white hardhat they wear with either the city logo or consultant company logo on it.

Ronnie Schedler – 519-501-1531

If the site inspector is unavailable, please contact the Project Manager.

Need more information?

If you have questions about the upcoming work, please contact us.

City Project Manager

Eric Costa


TTY Hearing Impaired Service


Engineering General inquiries


Thank you for your continued patience.