Each spring the City of Kitchener begins several road reconstruction projects. These projects upgrade any deteriorating underground services and above ground surface features. This is necessary to maintain the safe operation of our roads and prevent future system failure.

The improvements we make may include:

  • Upgrade the existing storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains.
  • Replace existing sanitary and water services from the new mains to the property line.
  • Install curb and gutter, and sidewalks
  • Upgrade the asphalt roadway.
  • Replace all driveway ramp entrances in concrete.
  • Install and/or replace retaining walls.

When we plan future road reconstruction projects, we invite affected residents to answer a questionnaire. Your responses help us to design the construction with consideration to your circumstances.

Click the name of a current or future project below to get information and updates about that project.

If you have any concerns or questions about a project in your neighbourhood, contact us at engineering@kitchener.ca or 519-741-2406 (TTY:1-866-969-9994).

Current Projects

Admiral Road / Marlborough Avenue / Roxborough Avenue

East Avenue: Frederick Street to Krug Street

Fife Avenue / Ann Street / Becker Street

Frederick Street: Bruce Street to Victoria Street North

St. George Street: Benton Street to Queen Street South

Wilson Ave: North End to Fairlawn Road

Future Projects

Broadview Avenue: Prospect Avenue to Expressway

Burn Place / Montrose Avenue / Metzloff Drive / Carlton Street

Chapel Street / Melrose Avenue / Sheridan Court

Connaught Street: Ninth Avenue to Traynor Avenue

Deerpark Crescent: Forest Hill Drive to Forest Hill Drive

Dodds Lane: Pine Street to west end

Fairfield Avenue: Margaret Avenue East to Ridgewood Avenue

Farrier Drive and Farrier Place

Johnston Street / Patrick Street / Wellington Street North

King Street East: Ottawa Street to Stirling Avenue

Laneway 50146: Water Street North to College Street

Merner Avenue: Frederick Street to Krug Street

Olympic Drive: Pattandon Avenue to Hoffman Street

Ottawa Street Trunk Sanitary Sewer

Queens Boulevard: Westmount Road to Belmont Avenue

Stirling Avenue South: Courtland Avenue East to Charles Street East

Westwood Drive: Westmount Road West to Glasgow Street

Wilfred Avenue and Prospect Avenue

Complete projects