Riverland Area II GP Ltd. - Riverland Area 2 Phase 5, Breslau
Armstrong Planning & Project Management on behalf of Riverland Area II GP Ltd (“Subject Lands”) has submitted Official Plan and Zone Change applications to the Township of Woolwich and a Draft Plan of Subdivision application to the Region of Waterloo proposing a mix and range of residential uses on the 10.62 ha parcel of land located south of the Riverland Area 2 Phase 1-4 subdivision and north of the future Ottawa Street extension, west of Woolwich Street, in the south west corner of Breslau. A public meeting to discuss these applications will be held on May 16, 2022 at 7 pm.
The subject lands are designated Rural Land Use Area in the Township’s Official Plan and are zoned Agricultural (A). The proposed applications are meant to bring the Township Official Plan into conforming with the Region of Waterloo Official Plan Amendment No. 2, that brought additional lands, including the subject site, into the Regional Urban Boundary Area.
Official Plan (Application 1/2022) and Zoning (Application 4/2022)
The applicant is proposing to amend the Township’s Official Plan to:
- adjust the Breslau Settlement Area boundary to align with the Regional Official Plan;
- change the Township Urban Structure designation from Rural Land Use Area to Neighbourhood Residential and Natural Heritage Framework; and
- change the land use designation in the Urban Area Settlement Plan from Rural to Low / Medium Density Residential, Institutional, Open Space and Environmental Protection areas.
The applicant is proposing to rezone the lands from Agricultural to the following:
- Residential Mixed – High Density with Design Guidelines (R-5A);
- Residential Multiple – with Design Guidelines (R-7A);
- Institutional (P);
- Open Space (O-1); and
- Open Space - Restricted (O-2).
The proposal will also include site-specific amendments for the proposed residential zones based on the mix and range of housing types and lot sizes, including but not limited to, amendments to the lot area, lot width, side and rear yard setbacks, building line setback, lot coverage and ground floor area.
Subdivision (Application 30T-22701)
The proposed changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law would provide for a subdivision plan totalling a maximum of 130 residential units including a maximum of 46 townhouses and 84 detached homes of various size, a school block (to complete the St. Boniface Elementary School site), a park block and a wetland block.
The Subject Lands will be developed with full municipal services (water, sanitary and storm).