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Engage Region of Waterloo

Thoughts on the Recommended Approach to Growth

On June 29, 2022, Regional Council endorsed, in principle, a recommended approach to growth.  The recommended approach to growth is ambitious, achievable, and responsible. It achieves our community building objectives via four key features:

  • Best advances the community’s key priorities outlined in our strategic plan
  • Prioritizes intensification to retrofit existing neighbourhoods into 15-minute neighbourhoods
  • Targets community area expansions to enable urban areas in the Townships to become 15-minute neighbourhoods with a full range of housing types
  • Builds on a strong employment base

The Recommended Approach to Growth (PDL-CPL-22-20) best positions Waterloo Region to achieve its vision for an inclusive, thriving, and sustainable region of connected rural and urban communities with global reach, fostering opportunities for current and future generations. This is achieved by delivering strategic growth that supports critical community building and climate change objectives, while also meeting Provincial obligations to accommodate forecasted population and jobs to a 2051 planning horizon. The draft policies contained in the Draft Regional Official Plan Amendment (PDL-CPL-22-21) are the way that we will be implementing the recommended approach to growth.

This approach was developed taking into consideration feedback from the community and we'd like to hear your thoughts on what has been presented.  The following three questions will approximately five (5) minutes to complete.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the ROPR team at