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Engage Region of Waterloo

Comments on Proposed Draft Major Transit Station Area policies

We want your input on the proposed draft Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) policies which will help the Region support the forecasted job growth to the year 2051, and support the creation of complete communities. MTSAs are generally defined as 500m to 800m around a Rapid Transit stop. They are areas intended to accommodate higher density, mixed-use, transit-supportive neighbourhoods that support access to local amenities, jobs and housing. 

After reading through the proposed Major Transit Station Area draft policies and taking a look at the virtual display boards, please take five (5) to ten minutes and use the space below to share your thoughts and feedback with us by March 11, 2022. We will use these comments as we continue to revise draft policy to be included in the draft Regional Official Plan amendment. The draft ROP amendment will also be available for review and comment.