Update on Employment Land Conversion Requests

The Region is in the process of identifying Employment Areas in the Regional Official Plan (for more information click here). Part of this process is to review and evaluate requests to convert specific parcels (or areas) that are currently designated for employment to permit non-employment uses. This is referred to as an employment land conversion. Non-employment uses could include residential, mixed use, commercial, and institutional uses.

As of September 9th, 2020, the Region has received 38 landowner requests for employment land conversions, as well as requests from the area municipalities, as illustrated on this map. We want to hear from the general public on if they support or oppose each conversion request by October 16, 2020. We'd also like the submission proponent to confirm that the mapping of their request is correct by September 25th, 2020.

Please click here to view the map and let us know if you have any feedback regarding the landowner and municipal conversion requests using commenting pins.

Conversion Process / Next Steps

Over the course of this Fall, Regional staff will begin to review and evaluate each request against the conversion criteria and review the public's input, in collaboration with area municipal staff. Once initial recommendations have been determined, the Region will meet with the landowners of each request to provide the results of the evaluation process and receive any further information. It is important to note that municipal requests will be evaluated against the same conversion criteria. Regional staff will then provide recommendations to Regional Council on each request. Any Council approved conversion will not be included within the Region’s Employment Area.

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