Parkland strategy
Parkland strategy
Parkland strategy
We are improving Maple Grove Road from Hespeler Road to Vondrau Drive in Cambridge.
We're improving University Avenue from King Street to Weber Street in Waterloo.
We're replacing the Scheifele Bridge on Northfield Drive over the Conestogo River in Woolwich.
An innovative affordable housing project in the Bechtel community in the City of Cambridge
Anti-Racism Initiative
Longfellow Drive reconstruction
We're improving Lancaster Street from Wellington Street to Bridgeport Road in Kitchener.
This project is complete
We are updating our Official Plan throughout 2024. Follow this project page to stay informed of public engagement opportunities and updates.
The Region is starting to plan for an innovative housing project in Waterloo that will provide affordable homes to individuals and families.
We are rehabilitating the West Montrose Covered Bridge in Woolwich.
Welcome to the Kingscourt EngageWR page! Thank you for your interest in this new affordable housing project planned for the City of Waterloo.
The Region is working towards an accessible, affordable, high-quality, equitable, and inclusive early learning and child care system in Waterloo Region
We're improving Ainslie Street from Water Street South to Water Street North in Cambridge.
Urban Design Manual refresh
Stormwater engineering on Keats Way
The Region of Waterloo is proposing to extend the ION LRT system
We're building a roundabout at New Dundee Road and Robert Ferrie Drive in Kitchener.
We're proposing a roundabout at Dickie Settlement Road and Roseville Road in North Dumfries.
We are proposing a roundabout at Sawmill Road and Ebycrest Road in Woolwich.
Speed management: safe streets for all
We're proposing a roundabout at the Fischer-Hallman Road and New Dundee Road intersection in North Dumfries.
We are improving King Street/Coronation Boulevard from Bishop Street to Hespeler Road/Water Street in Cambridge.
Eby Farm Playground
In 2022, the Region of Waterloo developed an Interim Housing Solutions Strategy to respond to the growth of homelessness in Waterloo Region.
Impacts of diverting trucks from downtown Cambridge along Water and Ainslie street
We are proposing a roundabout at Roseville Road and Edworthy Side Road in North Dumfries
We are proposing a roundabout at Snyder’s Road/Waterloo Street and Nafziger Road in Wilmot.
Application to build an 8-storey mixed-use building.
Region of Waterloo is looking at new ways to respond to mental health and addiction crises, including alternate destinations for paramedics to bring eligible patients.
VanLegend Erb LP is asking to permit the development of a six storey apartment building with 93 units and 108 bedrooms.
Erb St and Wilmot Line (OPA-24, Z-18-17)
316 King St N (Z-18-09)
508 Beechwood Dr (Z-18-07)
20 University Ave E (Z-23-03)
Application to amend zoning to reuse the existing office building by converting most of the current office space to residential units
Welcome to the Mooregate Crescent redevelopment EngageWR page! Thank you for your interest in this new affordable housing project planned for the City of Kitchener.
650, 654, 656, 660 Erb St W (Z-23-09)
2024 Plan and Budget
A 2024 event that brought together key players and visionaries who are committed to accelerating housing affordability in Waterloo Region
Davenport Road multi-use path connection
City of Waterloo 2024-2026 Budget
Initial Business Case to explore passenger rail service between Cambridge and Guelph, connecting to Union Station via the Kitchener GO Line
We are proposing a roundabout at Strasburg Road & New Dundee Road in Kitchener
Welcome to the Shelley Drive redevelopment EngageWR page! Thank you for your interest in this new affordable housing project planned for the City of Kitchener.
We are improving Franklin Boulevard between Avenue Road and Bishop Street in Cambridge.
We're improving Victoria Street from Fischer-Hallman to Lawrence Avenue in Kitchener.
Eby Farmstead.
The Region of Waterloo is planning to add cycle lanes along the Benton-Frederick Street corridor from Courtland Avenue to Lancaster Street in Kitchener
The City of Waterloo wants your suggestions to inform rental licensing regulations.
The Region of Waterloo is considering potential changes to Arthur Street (Regional Road 85)
2023- 2027 Strategic Plan
We are updating our licensing By-laws concerning adult entertainment businesses
Transforming Gaukel Street into a pedestrian-first street
We are piloting separated bike lanes in Kitchener
Together we can make roads, sidewalks and trails in Kitchener safer for everyone
We are building the outdoor facilities at RBJ Schlegel park
We are making improvements to this park in your neighbourhood
We are making improvements to this park in your neighbourhood
We are installing a new trunk sanitary sewer in your neighbourhood
Help us improve your experience on MyKitchener
A new design for Alpine Park
We are making improvements to this park in your neighbourhood
We are making improvements to these parks in your neighbourhood
A pedestrian-first street: Market District
We are creating a plan to make sure we meet our sanitary service needs now and into the future
Join us for a series of talks related to how equity, inclusion and access help us understand the establishment, growth and development of cities
Share your feedback on how the centre's outdoor spaces can better meet community needs
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
Second Avenue: Kingsway Drive to Connaught Street
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are restoring this creek in your neighbourhood
Connect with us and provide your input on the upcoming expansion of the Mill Courtland Community Centre
We are building a new pumping station in Willowlake Park and reconstructing part of Old Mill Road
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We need your guidance on the design of a new community being built in Kitchener
Help us build a plan and longer-term vision that reflect the unique needs of our community
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
Learn more and share your ideas about how Lower Doon can grow and evolve over time
We are doing a study on the Belmont Village Urban Corridor to review existing planning policies and guidelines
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
Blenheim Road Reconstruction Survey
Cooper Street Reconstruction
Cambridge Recreation Complex Design
2023 Park Playground Replacements
Arts & Culture Master Plan
Older Adult Strategy
Learn about and share your comments on the extension of Blair Creek Drive
We want to hear from adults 55+ about programs and services that support their health and wellbeing
Help craft a new vision and principles for downtown Kitchener’s future
We are improving King Street with tree replacement and paving upgrades
Learn more and share feedback about the potential expansion and naturalization of the creek
Exploring growth and change in the areas surrounding the ION light rail system in Kitchener
Help us name six of our snow plows! Send us your ideas and vote on the ones you like
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
How might we continue to evolve and grow as a multiuse community space and market?
Construction of an accessible multi sports court at Hespeler Optimist Park in partnership with Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making improvements to this bridge in your neighbourhood
We are updating the bylaw and considering licensing short-term accommodations and property rentals
Budget 2024
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
Be a part of the planning for Kitchener's future energy needs
Cast your vote for the Great Places Awards “People’s Choice” category!
Contribute to the draft vision and principles for the future of this site
Mill Race Park Pedestrian Bridges
Noise By-law Review
We will identify solutions and design alternatives to reduce existing flood risks and support future development in the Hidden Valley community
Hespeler Heritage Conservation District
We are making improvements to the trail around the periphery of the Deer Ridge Golf Course
50+ Centre Survey - Your Voice Matters!
Help us plan for the ecological restoration and stewardship of Huron Natural Area
Share your priorities for investment to inform Kitchener’s 2024 budget
2023 Parks Replacements
2024 Park Playground Replacements
Fireworks By-law Review
Add your comments on a proposed by-law to allow four-unit dwellings on a single lot
Help us name six more snow plows! Vote for your favourite names
Learn more and share your comments on Hidden Valley
Edward Street and Preston Parkway Sidewalk Design
Cemetery Master Plan Community Engagement
Help us design a plan to plant trees across this neighbourhood
Share your input and help plan the future of the Conrad Centre for the Performing Arts
We are updating our plan for how Victoria Park is improved, maintained and operated
Share your feedback and what's important to you about adding new pool features
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
Community Services Master Plan
Wilmot Citizen of the Year 2024
Township of Wilmot's Arts and Culture Master Plan
Help us update our rules and regulations to better protect city-owned trees
Oxford Waterloo Road – Bridge 37/B-OXF
Queen Street W Design Assignment
Main Street and Peck Street Reconstruction Design
Prime Ministers Path
Lions Can-Amera Park Spray Pad
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
Housing Needs Assessment
We want to hear your thoughts on what features would make this an inclusive place
We are making improvements to these parks in your neighbourhood
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood
Baden Trunk Sanitary Sewer
We're improving Westmount Road between Victoria Street and Erb Street in Kitchener and Waterloo.
We're improving the bus stops at Conestoga College Doon Campus.
We're improving Bleams Road from Trussler Road to Fischer-Hallman Road in Kitchener.
Charles Street Terminal Visioning
Welcome to the 82 Wilson EngageWR page! Thank you for your interest in this new affordable housing project planned for the City of Kitchener.
In response to the urgent needs in the community, a new emergency shelter is operating at 104 Stirling Avenue, Kitchener (formally Edith MacIntosh Child Care Centre).
The Region of Waterloo is looking to convert the temporary cycling facilities to permanent and further expand the network
Building Better Futures: 41 Westhill Drive, Waterloo
This project will identify short- and long-term recommendations for the Region’s Integrated Urban System.
Welcome to the 581-595 Langs Drive EngageWR page! Thank you for your interest in this new affordable housing project planned for the City of Cambridge.
Building Better Futures: 1388 Highland Road West, Kitchener
Building Better Futures: 30 Lauris Avenue, Cambridge
In response to the urgent needs in the community, a new emergency shelter is operating at 1668 King Street East, Kitchener.
In response to the homelessness crisis, the Region of Waterloo announced that a portion of a Regionally-owned property in Waterloo will be the site of an outdoor shelter.
The Plan to End Chronic Homelessness is a roadmap for strategies, resources and timelines to end chronic homelessness in Waterloo Region.
Neuron Mobility has been chosen as the sole-operator of a shared e-bike and e-scooter micromobility program
The Wellesley Water and Wastewater Master Plan will examine how the Region provides water and wastewater services to the village of Wellesley for the next 30 years.
The Kitchener Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is one of 13 wastewater treatment plants in Waterloo Region
WREDS unites area municipalities, Waterloo EDC, and the Region of Waterloo in a shared vision for sustainable growth and prosperity.
Waterloo Street reconstruction
6 to14 Dietz Avenue North (Z-23-08, OPA-48)
Region of Waterloo International Airport (YKF) Master Plan Refresh
Reimagining Doon Heritage Village
249 to 253 Sunview St
The Region of Waterloo and the Township of Wilmot assume responsibility for the Petersburg Water System.
Application to facilitate the development of 44 new dwelling units.
Building Safer Communities aims to improve safety and wellbeing through culturally appropriate mental health and addiction support and crisis response for youth.
Waterloo Heritage Register Review for Bill 23
Four Units, Four Storeys Zoning Bylaw Amendment
General Amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2024 (OPA 54 and Z-24-01)
White Elm Park Playground
Parkminster United Church and Brason Montessori School are proposing to establish a private school and a child care centre use within an existing church.
Taking action to address housing affordability and supply challenges in our community.
Help us keep our city trees as we grow. Have your say in our Urban Forest Management Strategy.
The Children's Services Access and Inclusion Plan aims to build a more accessible and inclusive early years and child care system in Waterloo Region.
The Region of Waterloo is looking to make modifications to Victoria Street in Kitchener near the future Kitchener Central Transit Hub
High-Performance Development Standards
130 Columbia St W and 365 Albert St (Z-24-09)
Proposal to amend the zoning bylaw to designate new employment lands.
2025 Budget & Business Plan
Grand River Transit's business plan will provide a roadmap to guide transit investment priorities to 2030 and beyond
The applicant is proposing to build a nine storey multi-unit apartment building containing sixty-four residential dwelling units with eighty-eight bedrooms.
Copper Street leash-free dog park.
In response to the urgent needs in the community, Region of Waterloo Council approved the purchase of the building at 84 Frederick Street in Kitchener
Municipal Enforcement Services is updating its noise bylaw; and plans to use your input to help inform new noise regulations, exemption processes and bylaw updates.
We are improving Trussler Road from Bleams Road to the Highway 7/8 ramps in Wilmot.
In response to the urgent needs in the community, Region of Waterloo Council approved a new emergency shelter in Cambridge to support women and gender-diverse individuals
2025 Plan and Budget
A study to update the existing floodplain mapping for the portion of Cedar Creek between Cedarbrae Avenue and Albert Street
Region of Waterloo Library Service Review
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood.
Window replacements at 30 Regional housing sites across Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge.
We're improving Myers Road from Water Street to Branchton Road in Cambridge.
Developing one central, convenient and efficient transit hub at King and Victoria Street in Kitchener
Waterloo Park Circuit
Reconstruction works on Schaefer Street from Weber Street to the cul-de-sac.
Examine our sanitary infrastructure needs considering new planning policies, growth projections, and the current needs and issues that exist in our community.
Reconstruct Moore Avenue from Erb Street East to John Street to replace the aged watermain, sewers and road structure.
The former Wellesley Arena and Community Centre land is a key community asset. Follow along and participate in reimaging the land.
Planning applications occuring in Woolwich Township
Infrastructure projects occuring in Woolwich Township
Community projects that have an effect across Woolwich Township
We are currently updating our CIP, last updated in 2017. Your insights and feedback will be invaluable in shaping an updated CIP that meets the community's needs.
Share your feedback about using this tool for increasing our affordable housing supply Exploring Inclusionary Zoning to Support Affordable Housing
We want to know what kind of experiences residents want to have when they visit this park
Your participation will help us build inclusive and all-welcoming parks
Share your ideas to help us add two new stormwater ponds to the park
Share your ideas to help us improve the park and add a new stormwater facility
Share your ideas to help us improve the parks and add a new stormwater facility
Share your ideas to help us add a new stormwater pond to the park
Help us upgrade the trails and replant the surface over a new underground stormwater facility
Join the dialogue on the future of the Queen Victoria Statue
We are making road and sewer improvements to these streets in your neighbourhood Fairfield Avenue: Margaret Avenue East to Ridgewood Avenue
We are thrilled to announce the opening of a brand-new playground located on the east portion of Sault Park.
Learn more and share your quesitons as we restore parts of Voisin and Borden Creeks
Learn and contribute as we restore the creeks and extend the trail network
Learn more and add your input as we update the park with new stormwater measures
Help us plan for the ecological restoration and stewardship of this natural area
Exploring growth and change in the areas surrounding the ION light rail system in Kitchener Growing Together East
Help write Kitchener's new Official Plan. Share your voice. Shape our city.
Share your thoughts as we renew the displays and consider whether to start adding new inductees
Your centre, your say: Help us build Kitchener's new centre for older adults!
What are your aspirations for Kingsdale Community Centre, its programs and services?
Share feedback on proposed routes, signage and map connecting Kitchener's neighbourhoods
Share your City of Kitchener 2025 Budget priorities for investment to inform Kitchener’s 2025 budget City of Kitchener 2025 Budget
We are considering options for licensing short-term property rentals
The study aims to make transit faster and more reliable
SOLER (Local economic recovery) Amendment and Extension
Do you play or organize cricket? Help us create a strategy to meet growing demand for the sport
Erbsville North Master Environmental Servicing Plan and District Plan
We are looking for suggestions to improve access to ION transit stations. So people can easily get to and from transit using different modes of transportation.
Share your thoughts and ideas about programming at our multiuse community space and market
Growth plans for the Village of St. Jacobs in the Township of Woolwich are being developed for the coming decades.
In response to the urgent needs in the community, an Overnight Warming Centre is opening on Lawrence Avenue in Kitchener as part of the Plan to End Chronic Homelessness.
Learn more and share your questions as we restore parts of this creek
We are rehabilitating this sewer in your neighbourhood
Cambridge HAF Project: 25 Chalmers Street
Cambridge HAF Project: 0 Grand Ridge Drive
In response to the urgent needs in the community, an Overnight Warming Centre is opening on Cambridge Street in Cambridge as part of the Plan to End Chronic Homelessness.
Churchill Park Rocketship Playground Renewal
Gordon Chaplin Park – Playground Renewal
Share your perspectives and feedback on options for making fireworks safer in our community.
We’re looking to add new features to better serve our growing community. We want to bring you more play, more connection, more opportunities. Share your thoughts.
Queen's Bush Road construction began in the summer of 2023 and is slated to finish in the summer of 2025.
McDougall Cottage is developing a new exhibit for 2026, tentatively titled “The Power of Nostalgia”, that will highlight Cambridge’s most cherished and nostalgic places.
Get READI plan
We're planning to construct a multi-use path connection between Manitou Drive and Block Line Road in Kitchener.
Reconstruct this section of Union to replace the aged watermain, sewers, and road structure.
Galt Core Heritage Conservation District
Reconstruction of Albert St to replace the watermain, culvert, one set of catch basins, curb, gutter, sidewalk, bike lane separator curbs, asphalt and infrastructure.
A new neighbourhood spray pad is coming to Eastbridge Green
We are developing a strategy to guide parking supply and operations in downtown Kitchener
Let’s welcome Margaret Ave Park!