Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Inclusionary Zoning
The City of Waterloo Community Planning Division is proposing a housekeeping amendment to Zoning By-law 2018-050 related to the implementation of Inclusionary Zoning. Zoning By-law Amendment Z-24-20 applies to all lands located within Protected Major Transit Station Areas and proposes to modify the implementation date of Inclusionary Zoning and delete a process that would not be required.
Specifically, the proposed Zoning By-law amendment includes:
- Section 3.1.2.c – to amend the date when Set Aside rates are to be implemented from March 31 2025 to January 1 2026.
- Section 3.1.2.e – to delete that a by-law would be required to enforce maximum rent to be charged.
This application has been initiated in response to the recommendations from a report prepared on behalf of the Region of Waterloo and three city municipalities by N. Barry Lyons Consultants that advises that the residential market conditions are not supportive of new projects proceeding. It will coordinate with the City of Kitchener and in response to concerns from the private building community.
The draft amendment report is under review and will be shared later.
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