
Sod Letter (Traynor)

14 October 2022

October 7, 2022

Dear Resident/Property Owner:

Re: Traynor Avenue Reconstruction

As part of the completion of the reconstruction of Greenfield Ave., the city’s contractor has replaced the topsoil and sod on or adjacent to your property. The contractor will now be required to provide ongoing maintenance, including watering of the sodded areas until Saturday, May 06, 2023. (notwithstanding a suspension of this requirement during a winter dormant period of Nov 15th to April 15th inclusive). After which time, you will be notified by letter that the sod has been accepted, that it will no longer be subject to a warranty, and that ongoing care and maintenance will become the responsibility of the property owner’s.

In an effort to ensure the newly placed sod is given the best chance to root and survive the contractor will be subject to several requirements that will include:

  • Daily watering for the first 7 days after the sod is placed;
  • Ongoing watering during the first 60 days as needed; and
  • Fertilizing with a granulated fertilizer and aeration

The city will inspect the condition of the newly sodded area at the end of 60 days. The contractor will be required to replace any deteriorated sod noted at the time of inspection. After this inspection and the replacement of any deteriorated sod, the care and maintenance of the sod will become the homeowner’s responsibility.

After construction, depression settlement may occur, meaning the soil over the area that was dug up had settled. Should depression occur, rectification of the depression will occur during the project two-year maintenance period.

Please note, new sod may take up to two years to fully root and establish. The weather, sun exposure and such can affect the establishment and health of young sod. We encourage property owners to continue periodic watering (adhering to the Region of Waterloo water use by-law) and care and maintenance after the end of the sod warranty.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the city’s Project Manager at phone number 519-741-2200 ext. 7412 or email at