
Franklin Street South Noise Exemption and Extended Work Hours

22 August 2023

Work has progressed as planned on our Franklin Street South project. However, the line painting on Franklin Street South between the intersections of Weber Street and Kingsway Drive remains to be completed.

Therefore, in order to accommodate the line painting operations, a noise exemption has been granted to the City of Kitchener and its contractor, J Weber Contracting, to complete line painting operations for the dates including September 6, 2023 to September 8, 2023 between the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following day.

Anticipated construction noise will consist of pavement marking equipment, vehicle backup beepers, which the contractor will minimize. Illumination of the construction site will also be necessary. With the location of the work over the Ministry of Transportation bridge which is located away from any houses, we expect that the disturbance will be minimal.

Thank-you for your understanding.